Health & Medical Lose Weight

Intermittent Fasting - What Have You Got to Lose?

So just what is intermittent fasting and why should you care? Intermittent fasting has become quietly popular in circles where people are striving to come up with ways to reduce caloric intake without harming their workout goals and still allow them to lose weight while strength training.
Intermittent fasting in a nutshell is the practice of short-term fasts, 24 hours in length, once or twice per week.
There are variations on that theme, but in general that is the norm.
This is done not so much to "cleanse the system" as many would have you believe, though it will to a degree.
It's merely a simple and fast way of decreasing caloric intake so you can achieve your weight loss goals without starvation plans or other fad diets.
You don't have to be overly concerned about the types of food you consume while you're not fasting, although it should be noted that fasting once or twice per week won't really help you reach your goals if you spend the other five or six days stuffing yourself with all manner of junk.
A little common sense is called for.
By allowing a sensible freedom in your food choices, it relieves a great deal of the anxiety present when it comes to most diets.
Many times we feel totally constrained and restricted, while this approach leaves us able to not only choose what we'd like to consume, but brings balance and sanity back into our diets.
Intermittent fasting as a lifestyle will bring about changes that will last a lifetime.
Start by taking it slow at first, and really learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you as you go through your first few weeks of this.
If you find yourself feeling lethargic or underfed, change it up a bit.
Your body will tell you what it needs.
(And that usually isn't a monster double cheeseburger!) Many times, especially at first, your body will be going through some withdrawals, and it's important to learn how to differentiate the signals.
Also, you need to factor in what effect any workout routines you may be involved in will have on your intermittent fasting plans.
The most important thing to remember about intermittent fasting is that it is not merely a diet plan, but a lifestyle, worthy of consideration along those lines.
In order to get the best results possible from this type of plan, you need to befriend it.
Your fasting should be something that you look forward to, as you most certainly will after you start reaping some of the benefits of this intermittent fasting lifestyle.
Making this type of plan fit into your life is key to making a lifetime of good eating and healthy living possible.
There are a lot of inherent freedoms built into a diet plan like this, and while that can backfire on you if you're not careful, it can also enable lasting success.
Look into what intermittent fasting can do for you!
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