Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy And That Special Glow

Many women get a special glow about them during their pregnancy due to the hormones changes in their bodies coupled with the vast nutrients contained in prenatal vitamins which can result in shinier and thicker hair, stronger fingernails, and for some women a nice complexion.

There are some women who take to pregnancy so beautifully that they have a certain glow about them, almost like an aura of motherly content. Now of course there are countless jokes that could be inserted here about how that motherly glow will likely vanish with the first real painful contraction, but for now it is best for women to just enjoy their pregnant radiance.

When your belly bump comes in and it is obvious that you are pregnant you will be surprised how many people come to your aid. Strangers will open doors for you, passengers give up their seats on the bus, and everyone is just more willing to be helpful. This is to your physical advantage because everyone sees your condition; you may not be the kind of person who is willing to slow down and listen to your body, but with everyone around you cautioning you to take it easy you may have to actually listen.

Unless you have one of the rare pregnancies which involve periodic bleeding then you will be quite happy to get rid of your monthly flow for the entire duration of your pregnancy and say "Great no period to content with for 9 month". There is nothing quite like a vacation from your period and it almost makes the discomforts of pregnancy worth it.

When will your period return? Immediately after having your baby you will have a post-delivery period, which can involve some really dramatic bleeding which can make even the heartiest woman a little queasy. This is simply your body cleaning out all the stuff it no longer needs.

After this stint of bleeding concludes you may find a normal period resumes pretty quickly, but if you are breastfeeding your baby it can take much longer for your period to start back up. Some lucky women go beyond a year post-delivery without a period, thanks to nursing their baby.
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