Aries. Next weekend is when that little fling that you may have comes to a halt. Of course that is also when you will start dating the person you met this past June. Hopefully you have kept in touch over the last few months to make it easier. Hope you did tell them to wait for you. So, this week you need to make your grand plans on how to end one relationship and to start another.
Taurus. If you did not start a business back in July then you have your second chance next week. You will still be able to sell or even expand next May for a very neat profit. You really should try not to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. You are sometimes just too cautious and this time you may miss out. Do not mess up this time as you really do have to make a move sometime so just do it.
Gemini. The expected breakup that you have been waiting for in a certain relationship is coming closer and closer. Money that has been withheld from you is now paid but you will have to go after it. Also, any money that you have been withholding must now be paid out. This is a good time for advertising and selling something you have had for ages and have been meaning to sell for the past year.
Cancer. People are being very cautious with their money right now but you can still get your share of it by being conservative yourself. Do not be tempted to overspend this week. You can prove yourself to be responsible which is just what everyone wants you to be. You are kicking around some good ideas this week. You will find that the more conservative your ideas are, the better they will turn out.
Leo. You will have to consider that you have just been practicing a relationship this past few months because now the real deal comes along. The one you met in June is coming back into your life. Next weekend you will probably say goodbye to the current holdover person and say hello to the real deal one. Breakups are hard but with the proper thought and planning you can do it easily with the minimum of hurt feelings all round.
Virgo. If starting off a business last July was not able to be done then you will now have a second chance next week. However, after that time your money will not be the same. You could still do it but you will have lost potential profits meanwhile. You can still sell out next May and expect a good profit at that time so all is not totally lost. You have excellent ideas so put them to use and earn some money on your own.
Libra. Working behind the scenes or seeking background information is your best plan of action this month. Prepare the ground work carefully and everything can work out very much in your favour. Caution and conservatism should be your fail safe words this month. It is a good time to advertise and sell your old transportation. Get something newer and yet not too expensive to run.
Scorpio. Again, you must find the time to figure out a good budget for yourself. You have some good ideas floating around and for once they seem to be very practical and will work for you just fine. Next week plan on having to fix up your transportation or it is going to leave you in an awkward spot. As much as you hate to use much of your funds, right now you are going to have to do it before it is too late.
Sagittarius. You have had an exciting past few months with whomever you have been dating but next weekend may well end your summer romance. The intriguing one you met in June wants to get serious with you so you need to free up some of your time for them. Lay out plans this week exactly how to break up and yet maintain a friendship. It can be done and you are just the one who knows the right way to do it.
Capricorn. If you could not make some investments last July then you will have a second chance next week in order to gain the larger amount of money next May if you can sell out. If you did invest last July them look at doing it again now either in the same way or with something else. It does not really matter. You should still gain those lovely profits next May. Also I am happy to predict that there should be more of the same coming to you.
Aquarius. An outlay of funds needs to be spent on your home. You should gather some estimates this week as time is short and next week you may have to do something quickly. It is best to be prepared ahead of time. You know what you have to do and putting it off will not help at all. Next week may also end a short term relationship that you have had but another will take its place shortly.
Pisces. It looks as though you will be having some trouble with your transportation and you may have to consider turning it in for something new or at least somewhat newer. It is better to do it now before it leaves you high and dry next week. Your mate or your best friend has some very good ideas now and you should listen to them carefully. Those ideas will appeal to your conservative and practical side.
Taurus. If you did not start a business back in July then you have your second chance next week. You will still be able to sell or even expand next May for a very neat profit. You really should try not to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. You are sometimes just too cautious and this time you may miss out. Do not mess up this time as you really do have to make a move sometime so just do it.
Gemini. The expected breakup that you have been waiting for in a certain relationship is coming closer and closer. Money that has been withheld from you is now paid but you will have to go after it. Also, any money that you have been withholding must now be paid out. This is a good time for advertising and selling something you have had for ages and have been meaning to sell for the past year.
Cancer. People are being very cautious with their money right now but you can still get your share of it by being conservative yourself. Do not be tempted to overspend this week. You can prove yourself to be responsible which is just what everyone wants you to be. You are kicking around some good ideas this week. You will find that the more conservative your ideas are, the better they will turn out.
Leo. You will have to consider that you have just been practicing a relationship this past few months because now the real deal comes along. The one you met in June is coming back into your life. Next weekend you will probably say goodbye to the current holdover person and say hello to the real deal one. Breakups are hard but with the proper thought and planning you can do it easily with the minimum of hurt feelings all round.
Virgo. If starting off a business last July was not able to be done then you will now have a second chance next week. However, after that time your money will not be the same. You could still do it but you will have lost potential profits meanwhile. You can still sell out next May and expect a good profit at that time so all is not totally lost. You have excellent ideas so put them to use and earn some money on your own.
Libra. Working behind the scenes or seeking background information is your best plan of action this month. Prepare the ground work carefully and everything can work out very much in your favour. Caution and conservatism should be your fail safe words this month. It is a good time to advertise and sell your old transportation. Get something newer and yet not too expensive to run.
Scorpio. Again, you must find the time to figure out a good budget for yourself. You have some good ideas floating around and for once they seem to be very practical and will work for you just fine. Next week plan on having to fix up your transportation or it is going to leave you in an awkward spot. As much as you hate to use much of your funds, right now you are going to have to do it before it is too late.
Sagittarius. You have had an exciting past few months with whomever you have been dating but next weekend may well end your summer romance. The intriguing one you met in June wants to get serious with you so you need to free up some of your time for them. Lay out plans this week exactly how to break up and yet maintain a friendship. It can be done and you are just the one who knows the right way to do it.
Capricorn. If you could not make some investments last July then you will have a second chance next week in order to gain the larger amount of money next May if you can sell out. If you did invest last July them look at doing it again now either in the same way or with something else. It does not really matter. You should still gain those lovely profits next May. Also I am happy to predict that there should be more of the same coming to you.
Aquarius. An outlay of funds needs to be spent on your home. You should gather some estimates this week as time is short and next week you may have to do something quickly. It is best to be prepared ahead of time. You know what you have to do and putting it off will not help at all. Next week may also end a short term relationship that you have had but another will take its place shortly.
Pisces. It looks as though you will be having some trouble with your transportation and you may have to consider turning it in for something new or at least somewhat newer. It is better to do it now before it leaves you high and dry next week. Your mate or your best friend has some very good ideas now and you should listen to them carefully. Those ideas will appeal to your conservative and practical side.