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Roots of the West's Demise

     For nearly a half a century the West has been in decline.  Europe and the U.S. have lost much of their prominence in the world.  The sun of their influence is waning and close to setting.  But what has caused this decline?  What are the roots of the West's demise?

     Economically, the U.S. and some countries in Europe are close to bankruptcy.  Massive overspending has led a number of Western countries to imperil the Euro and the dollar.  There is little if any will power to balance national budgets.  Both currencies may eventually implode and cause a financial disaster.

     Educationally, secularization has take the West down a pathway towards politically correct ideals that do not foster unbiased inquiry.  Certain ideals are repeatedly promulgated at the expense of basic foundational study.  Instead of producing students with common basic knowledge the major focus is social engineering which attempts to create students with secularized worldviews.

     Politically, progressives(liberals) have implemented their socialistic plans believing true change is only possible in that direction.  As more and more government programs are initiated and expanded the populace looks to the government for help where once private institutions and individuals reigned. Of course, economically those government programs are unsustainable. 

     Philosophically, atheists have attempted and pretty much succeeded in keeping religious views out of the public sector.  Instead of Christian institutions, funded by private donations, meeting the needs and dealing with real heart changes, needs are met by the public sector on a neverending basis.  Once tied to those government programs people are often locked in indefinitely.  With little impetus to leave a free hand out, why would anyone do so?

     Where does that leave those of us who see a huge need to change the direction of the West's decline?  Little else will change until heart's change.  We can vote and help those we believe will fight against secularization and certainly that is good, but that won't change hearts.  Only people turning to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will transform belief systems.  Only evangelism and discipleship of new believers with biblical precepts will transform the West.

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