- 1). Keep a bell or wind chimes around the house. According to legend, evil spirits do not like the sound of bells and will be driven away if they hear them. That’s one reason for church bells. Ring a bell whenever you feel threatened or whenever you feel like hearing its pleasant sound.
- 2). Burn herbs, or scatter them around the house to protect yourself from evil. Be very careful when burning them. Starting a fire would defeat the whole purpose. Herbs that offer protection are basil, cedar wood, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, orrisroot, mandrake, rosemary, sage leaves, valerian root and sea salt (sea salt is not an herb, but it works).
- 3). Burn a violet candle for protection from evil spirits. For added protection, you can anoint the candle with any one of the herbs mentioned above, or an oil such as sandalwood, frankincense, rosemary, garlic or honeysuckle.
- 4). Wear a gemstone for protection you from evil spirits. Gemstones worn for this purpose are tiger’s eye, diamond, clear quartz, hematite and Apache’s Tear.
- 5). Burn some incense. Sandalwood, frankincense, rose, rosemary and sage incenses are all protective.
- 6). Keep garlic in your house. Humans aren’t the only spirits who dislike the smell of garlic--evil spirits won’t go near it.