I loved to hate certain things symbolically
Though I failed to make it out generally
I do not why we make some choices
Choose to do for self but create enough of noises
There is no mechanism to control over dual performance
It can not be brought under control or arrested at once
It is one of the weakest points we always neglect
We remain careful not to be caught and select
Do we ever respond or hear inner call?
There is big defensive protective wall
We take refuge and prefer umbrella cover
Wait for crisis to subside and blow over
For a moment we are carried away by timely desire
We may be noticed by many and subjected to satire
It is felt badly for little while and straightaway chosen the defense
There is full proof argument in favor to counter the offense
Many people may be selective in offering the defense
There may be lame excuse to offer human weakness hence
Everybody may unwillingly agree to accept the apology
As they are also suffering under the same psychology
Many a times I had taken recourse to deceive wife
I thought there should be some extra good moments in life
Even though I knew it may crate some worst situation
Then also I continued with extra marital relation
It did a lot of damage to personal life a well as to the reputation
I did not deserve any sympathy or sentence computation
It did not surface openly to criticize my action
I could sense adverse reception with hostile reaction
Every now and then we come out with sheer lies
The fate of many will be affected in families
This hard fact is forgotten despite existence of best knowledge
On the contrary the thrust is put on to drive the wage
We advocate for the maintenance of harmony and peace
We utter those words confidence and at ease
What comes out of hollow words in the real time of need?
When it is superseded by the importance of greed
You are gentleman so long you are not caught
You can advocate what ever you think can be bought
It is understood by all still not openly criticized
Everybody under the cover is same so generally obliged
We are just made of flash and bones
Live in different regions and zones
How to remain aloof when influenced by so much temptation?
Partly we can agree to it and partly live with negation
Though I failed to make it out generally
I do not why we make some choices
Choose to do for self but create enough of noises
There is no mechanism to control over dual performance
It can not be brought under control or arrested at once
It is one of the weakest points we always neglect
We remain careful not to be caught and select
Do we ever respond or hear inner call?
There is big defensive protective wall
We take refuge and prefer umbrella cover
Wait for crisis to subside and blow over
For a moment we are carried away by timely desire
We may be noticed by many and subjected to satire
It is felt badly for little while and straightaway chosen the defense
There is full proof argument in favor to counter the offense
Many people may be selective in offering the defense
There may be lame excuse to offer human weakness hence
Everybody may unwillingly agree to accept the apology
As they are also suffering under the same psychology
Many a times I had taken recourse to deceive wife
I thought there should be some extra good moments in life
Even though I knew it may crate some worst situation
Then also I continued with extra marital relation
It did a lot of damage to personal life a well as to the reputation
I did not deserve any sympathy or sentence computation
It did not surface openly to criticize my action
I could sense adverse reception with hostile reaction
Every now and then we come out with sheer lies
The fate of many will be affected in families
This hard fact is forgotten despite existence of best knowledge
On the contrary the thrust is put on to drive the wage
We advocate for the maintenance of harmony and peace
We utter those words confidence and at ease
What comes out of hollow words in the real time of need?
When it is superseded by the importance of greed
You are gentleman so long you are not caught
You can advocate what ever you think can be bought
It is understood by all still not openly criticized
Everybody under the cover is same so generally obliged
We are just made of flash and bones
Live in different regions and zones
How to remain aloof when influenced by so much temptation?
Partly we can agree to it and partly live with negation