Home & Garden Pest Control

Pest Control - The Best Prevention

For many aspects of life, a common phrase applies which says an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Nowhere is this more applicable than in the world of pest control.
If you stay on top of it from the beginning, you can keep rodents, vermin, and insects from finding your home a palatable place to stay.
Is there any way to be 100% sure that you will never have an infestation? Certainly not, there are always things beyond a person's ability to prevent.
However, by following these tips, you will make your home an unwelcome place for most invaders.
The most effective way to begin preventative pest control is to eliminate the food source.
Rats, mice, and other pests enter the home because they smell food or they think they can find a source of nourishment.
Nine times out of ten, they are right.
And while there isn't much you can do to stop a determined rat short of keeping every food item you own in the refrigerator, there are some steps you can take to cut down on the likelihood that rodents will start a family off of your generosity.
Outdoor animals love to pick through neighborhood garbage cans.
You can prevent this by keeping a tight lid on yours or keeping it in your garage.
Make sure and keep your indoor trash cans emptied frequently and don't let food stay in the garbage for too long.
If you've had any issue with bugs in your cabinets, take all food out of boxes the bugs can get into and put it into sealed containers.
Getting rid of obvious water sources can help in your pest control endeavor.
Bugs, especially, are attracted by standing water.
Mosquitoes thrive and breed in it, and they can not only be a huge nuisance, but can also spread disease such as encephalitis.
Take a trip around your house the next time it rains and see if your drainage system is working properly.
If you have several areas of standing water, you may need to think about re-sloping your yard to prevent this occurrence in the future.
Finally, inspect your house thoroughly for places where bugs and other pests can get in.
If there are holes or cracks in your walls, get them patched right away.
Make sure all of your windows shut tightly and your doors don't leave an opening for small bugs.
Once you've done everything you can to keep the bugs at bay, call a professional pest control service to come out and spray.
This will provide protection for your home for the next six months to a year.
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