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Inner conflict between good and evil within every human being

Inner conflict between good and evil within every human being

It is extremely difficult to pin point whether we are good or evil at one and the same time. We are made up of the two tendencies within. But we feel an inner voice urging us to do good and sometimes to do evil. Whether it is  the voice of God that talks to us tin order to do good and whether it is the voice of devil within us, or without us, to do evil, is unknown.

None of the two tendencies can be subjected to scientific empiricalcriterion of establishing the existence of either voice. But we all undergo the tendency toward good or toward evil. We  are taken by either voice and are subject to persuasion or dissuasion to follow either way. We all are subject to listen and then decide whether to do good or evil. The two tendencies stand in opposition and it is up to us to arbitrate.

To take a life of a baby, for example is evil-deed and to save the life of a baby is good-deed. To steal the neighbor is evil and to find his stolen car and restore it to him is a good thing. What makes us aware of good and evil? Is it our consciousness? Or a code of natural morality within? Or a code of morality imposed on us from the outside? How do we identify good and evil?

One criterion of the consensus of the majority. of what is good and evil can be taken as valid.  But ihow real is this? If one billion and four hundred millions of Chinese do not believe in God then is this the assumed consensus on doing good or evil? Is belief in God good and disbelieve  in God is evil? If 1.4 billions of Muslims do not eat pig meat, is this good or evil? If Hindus venearte the cow, is it good or evil ? Is it good to follow religious prescriptions: permissibles and forbiddens?

Religion declares that the greatest evil man does to himself is to deny God. Ultimate evil is to deny God.

The religious argument considers those who disbelieve as committers of a the worst crime against themselves and deserve hell fire. As for those who believe in God they are considered in the three religious documenst namely the Torah, the Gospel and Qur'an as doing good and merit eternal felicity.

The foundation principle for the religious argument is considered to be the truth. Truth represents reality. If God has created the universe and we deny Him this reality then denial  deserves punishment. If, on the other hand, we believe in God as the creator of the universe although there is no proof for this then our efforts merit reward because we believe without having having a proof.

What we feel inside us is that every individual person has within him, or her, namely the two tendencies towards evil and good in equal proportions and it is left for man's own free decision to tchoose either way. The proof for these two tendencies is our own dees and thoughts.

The Mafiosi takes a life, steals and do all vices while being very well conscious of what he, or she, is doing. He knows very well that he, or she, is doing evil. He, nevertheless, practices what is evil. by conscious choice of his own decision. 

The man who performs regular charity  is considered to be good. The alcoholic gambler that curses at every time is considered to be evil. Who sets the criterion? Our inner voice or our society? Our thoughts and actions represent good and evil. We are very well conscious of both. We have a sense for either and are well responsible for either.

The question here is, why should we have the two tendencies in equal proportions? Maybe because of we have more of one tendency then we are inclined to be either good or evil. But our actions denote both and sometimes both at the same time.

The question with regard to the devil outside working on us all the time persuading and dissuading us from doing good and urging us to do evil, is opnot very well discerned. But such an outside devil who is bent to make us go astray all the time, tempting us to commit evil, crime, theft , cheating, lieing, and all the immoral acts enlisted in moral codes, twhether natural moral code within or that imposed by the society, religious or ideological, we are all subject to such temptations.

There are those who do not believe in the devil outside. We are told of the devil by religion and spiritual systems.

Freud calls it , the evil deeds of the self, the natural repressed tendencies of the Id, repressed by the ego and the superego., modifier of our actions product of the society.

When the tendency for evil within meets the evil tendencies without then we are in real struggle to free ourselves and resist evil doing under the pressure of our good voice. But left alone, the inner tendency towards evil with the pressure of outer temptations, whether of the devil or the nature of things, leads us to bedo evil.

Wars and conflicts, hatred and enmity, exploitation and dominance, overpowering and ruling over others, boastfulness and arrogance, become the norm. Humans eat up one another and the rich feed on the poor. The poor becomes poorer and the more powerful swallows up the less powerful. Slavery and servitude, whether in old times or modern ones, emerge deciding relations among humans who become aevil nimalsthe, for animals have no evil in them, submitted to the law of the jungle.

Is this not the case throughout history, especially nowadays?

Look at the world human map around you!
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