As if you don't have enough changes to go through when you're pregnant. The skin, yes, it goes through many different types of changes in itself. For me most were unpleasant. Everyone told me to hang in there because I would soon experience the pregnancy glow, but of course for me, it never came.
These less-than-glamorous pregnancy symptoms such as acne, spider veins, pigmentation and several others are caused by the drastic change in hormone. This definitely doesn't help the usually fragile state of most pregnant women's body image. That's why proper pregnancy skin care is so important. So before you bury your head in the sand, find out what you can do to keep your skin looking as fabulous as you are.
Stretch Marks
Striae gravidarum, or stretch marks are probably the most discussed of the skin changes during pregnancy. Nearly every woman fears them or thinks about them. They appear in 50 - 90 of all pregnant women, usually showing up in the later half of pregnancy. While the majority will be on the lower abdomen they can also be found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms. They tend to be pinkish in light skinned women, and in dark skinned women they will be lighter than the surrounding skin. Stretch marks are not painful; however the stretching of the skin may cause a tingling or itchy sensation.
There are some factors that you should know contribute to stretch marks:
· Family (If your mom or sister has them, guess what?)
· Weight Gain (Rapid or excessive will make these worse.)
· Nutritional Status (Well hydrated and healthy skin stretches better.)
· Ethnicity (African American women get them less.)
Solution: Some people say lotions and creams work and others don't think it helps any. However, if there was a chance that it might work for you then why not try it. The good thing about it is eventually they do fade after you have the baby. The stretch mark will be shiny like a scar. While most women don't think about them much, or consider them badges of motherhood, others want them removed. There are new techniques and surgeries being explored all the time. Talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you are concerned.
Mask of Pregnancy
Melanotropin, also known as cloasma, is secreted in greater quantity during pregnancy; this can cause a pigmentation to occur over the nose, cheeks, and forehead of an expectant mom. While it is not caused by sunlight, this will aggravate the situation. 45 - 70% of women will experience this beginning in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
Solution: Chloasma will fade after the birth. Most women use make up to cover this if it becomes a problem.
Thought it was gone for good? Think again, while many women actually find that the hormones of pregnancy relieve their acne and leave them with that "glowing" skin of pregnancy, many women find their skin more oily and susceptible to acne break outs.
Solution: Here's where the high school remedies come into play... Actually ensure you are drinking plenty of water, wash your face, and avoid things that cause you to break out. Basically do what works, but it doesn't have to be fancy. Remember, acne is temporary.
Spider Veins
These can appear most commonly on the face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. They are caused from increased estrogen level in your body. They are often star shaped and slightly raised. They are slightly blue and do not turn white with pressure. 65 of the Caucasian women and 10 of the African American women will experience these.
Solution: These annoying spider veins usually fade after the birth.
Linea Negra
This is a darker line extending from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus (fundus), usually showing up for first time moms around the third month. Multiparous women (had more than one child) will often see it earlier. While not all women experience this line, don't believe the rumors that it means a boy baby is on the way.
Solution: This usually fades after the birth when your tummy goes down.
Palmar Erythema
A mottled or reddening of the palms of the hands. This is caused by increased estrogen levels during pregnancy. About 60% of Caucasian women will experience this, with about 35% of African American women too.
Solution: This isn't really that noticeable and will fade after the birth.
These less-than-glamorous pregnancy symptoms such as acne, spider veins, pigmentation and several others are caused by the drastic change in hormone. This definitely doesn't help the usually fragile state of most pregnant women's body image. That's why proper pregnancy skin care is so important. So before you bury your head in the sand, find out what you can do to keep your skin looking as fabulous as you are.
Stretch Marks
Striae gravidarum, or stretch marks are probably the most discussed of the skin changes during pregnancy. Nearly every woman fears them or thinks about them. They appear in 50 - 90 of all pregnant women, usually showing up in the later half of pregnancy. While the majority will be on the lower abdomen they can also be found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts and arms. They tend to be pinkish in light skinned women, and in dark skinned women they will be lighter than the surrounding skin. Stretch marks are not painful; however the stretching of the skin may cause a tingling or itchy sensation.
There are some factors that you should know contribute to stretch marks:
· Family (If your mom or sister has them, guess what?)
· Weight Gain (Rapid or excessive will make these worse.)
· Nutritional Status (Well hydrated and healthy skin stretches better.)
· Ethnicity (African American women get them less.)
Solution: Some people say lotions and creams work and others don't think it helps any. However, if there was a chance that it might work for you then why not try it. The good thing about it is eventually they do fade after you have the baby. The stretch mark will be shiny like a scar. While most women don't think about them much, or consider them badges of motherhood, others want them removed. There are new techniques and surgeries being explored all the time. Talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you are concerned.
Mask of Pregnancy
Melanotropin, also known as cloasma, is secreted in greater quantity during pregnancy; this can cause a pigmentation to occur over the nose, cheeks, and forehead of an expectant mom. While it is not caused by sunlight, this will aggravate the situation. 45 - 70% of women will experience this beginning in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
Solution: Chloasma will fade after the birth. Most women use make up to cover this if it becomes a problem.
Thought it was gone for good? Think again, while many women actually find that the hormones of pregnancy relieve their acne and leave them with that "glowing" skin of pregnancy, many women find their skin more oily and susceptible to acne break outs.
Solution: Here's where the high school remedies come into play... Actually ensure you are drinking plenty of water, wash your face, and avoid things that cause you to break out. Basically do what works, but it doesn't have to be fancy. Remember, acne is temporary.
Spider Veins
These can appear most commonly on the face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. They are caused from increased estrogen level in your body. They are often star shaped and slightly raised. They are slightly blue and do not turn white with pressure. 65 of the Caucasian women and 10 of the African American women will experience these.
Solution: These annoying spider veins usually fade after the birth.
Linea Negra
This is a darker line extending from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus (fundus), usually showing up for first time moms around the third month. Multiparous women (had more than one child) will often see it earlier. While not all women experience this line, don't believe the rumors that it means a boy baby is on the way.
Solution: This usually fades after the birth when your tummy goes down.
Palmar Erythema
A mottled or reddening of the palms of the hands. This is caused by increased estrogen levels during pregnancy. About 60% of Caucasian women will experience this, with about 35% of African American women too.
Solution: This isn't really that noticeable and will fade after the birth.