Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Reasons For Bed Rest When Pregnant

Bed rest is something that doctors recommend to 20 percent of all pregnant women. It usually occurs because the doctor is concerned that the pregnancy is high risk. Since bed rest and pregnancy happen to 1 in 5 women, it"s good to know what to expect. Some women will expect it before they become pregnant, due to genetic reasons. Bed rest when pregnant is often a surprise, but it isn"t necessarily cause for alarm.

Since bed rest can be recommended for so many different scenarios, it can range from a few hours a day at home to full-time rest in a hospital, with close monitoring. If bed rest and pregnancy is something you may be facing, keep in mind that it may be as simple as simply avoiding certain chores at home and taking a daily nap or it could mean full-time confinement to bed. You may be instructed to do it for just a few weeks, while others may do it for the bulk of the pregnancy.

Bed rest when pregnant might be advised in the face of all sorts of medical conditions. If you have a history of pregnancy problem, there is a somewhat greater chance that you will have to do at least some level of bed rest. Other conditions include high blood pressure, vaginal bleeding, poor fetal development, or cervical changes. In addition, bed rest and pregnancy are frequently considered if you are expecting a multiple birth. Premature labor, gestational diabetes and placenta complications can also lead a doctor to recommend bed rest.

Bed rest when pregnant can be prescribed for a number of reasons. Its ultimate goal is to give the body the body a chance to normalize after it has been stressed by any number of medical conditions. If high blood pressure is the problem, it is important to alleviate stress as much as possible. Other conditions, like vaginal bleeding can be exacerbated by any number of even mildly physical activities. Giving the body a chance to rest and recover can also delay or stop premature labor. If there is insufficient blood flow to the placenta, bed rest can also help get that circulation back to normal.

If you think bed rest and pregnancy might be something you are facing, don"t hesitate to ask your doctor for details. Don"t be afraid to ask for specifics on your condition, and be sure to discuss in detail what sorts of activities and for what duration would be permitted. Bed rest when pregnant is common enough that doctors usually have a pretty good idea of what works, and can advise you on how to best cope with the situation.

Even though it sounds frustrating and maybe even frightening, keep in mind that most high-risk pregnancies do turn out to be successful, and you can greatly increase those odds by following your doctor"s instructions closely. You may also find that being forced to rest for a period of time is the best thing for you and your baby.

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