When you have a look at the different ends of the selling-buying process, you find many of your prospective customers don't like to be sold too, and many marketers like yourself often don't like to sell.
Yet every business person knows they have to get clients somehow.
Information marketing provides an easy way for you to get more clients without those irritating, slick, sales techniques.
Often people think it is a matter of gritting their teeth and getting on with the dirty end of the job, when in reality it is a simple matter of giving people what they are looking for via your own information marketing products.
Let me put it this way.
How many people do you know who ask a potential mate to marry them, on the first date? Sounds crazy, doesn't it? So, why would someone buy from you right away without first getting to know, like and trust you? That's why you want to build a relationship with a potential client over time.
I've found that information marketing is one of the best and easiest ways to do that.
Information marketing is about giving value to your potential clients first, so they get to know, like and trust you.
Information marketing also ensures that your prospect gets something of value without having to undergo a sales spiel.
This alone will skyrocket your credibility in their eyes.
If you are prepared to "let go" of the traditional approach to sales and marketing, you can simply have an ebook or special report or ecourse do the selling for you.
Sell to people by giving them information.
How I Made $9,000 in 5 Minutes Using Information Marketing A few months ago, I made $9000 in 5 minutes using just a 20-page Special Report.
I gave a 5-minute talk at a networking event where I offered my Special Report in exchange for people's business cards.
I ended up with cards from almost all 55 people in the room.
After they got the Special Report, I offered a free phone consultation.
Seven people took me up on the offer - and the result? Three people hired me.
Think of a Funnel When Setting Up Your Information Marketing System Information marketing uses a four-stage process to move people from being a prospect, to a lead, to a client, to your champion.
Think of the four stages as a funnel.
Your goal as a marketer is to move a person down your funnel, because the further someone goes down the funnel the more money you make.
You can use information products to move someone through each stage.
Stage 1 - The Prospect In this phase, the person doesn't even know you.
There's no relationship at all yet.
Your job is somehow to get people to notice you.
Some information products you can use in this phase of your information marketing are: ebooks, teleclasses, special reports, white papers, ecourses and articles.
Stage 2 - The Lead This is the crucial phase I call the "Pivotal Point.
" On my website, I use a technique to capture visitors' names and emails by giving them a special report.
Once people opt-in, they become a lead for me.
I now have permission to do more information marketing with them.
Stage 3 - The Client Once someone has given you permission to contact them, your job is then to convert them from a lead to a client.
Once they have given you at least one dollar, they are a client.
I offer an inexpensive one-on-one, 45-minute consultation with me where we strategize ideas for the client's business and marketing plans.
Think how you can move people down the marketing funnel.
How can you capture leads? What incentive can you then give them to move from one phase to another and become a client? Stage 4 - The Champion This is the best part! At this point you've given the client such great service and value that they buy from you over and over AND they refer you to others.
They become your marketing machine.
This is where the lifetime value of a client becomes so profitable.
More Information Marketing Tips to Remember Okay, now you see the process of "dating" a potential client, here are some more points to remember: oAlways provide great value first.
People have to learn to know, like and trust you before they commit with their wallet.
oMoving through the phases of information marketing can happen fast.
This doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out process.
You can move someone from being a prospect to a client in a day or two.
oAlways give clear guidance to the potential client on what to do next.
Give them directions on how to move from being a prospect to a lead to a client to a cheerleader.
Ask yourself, what information relating to your topic are you asked about the most? Put together a special report that addresses the most common questions and challenges people face.
Then find ways to leverage that report to get more leads.
Information marketing is the most powerful way of "selling without selling" that I know.
Yet every business person knows they have to get clients somehow.
Information marketing provides an easy way for you to get more clients without those irritating, slick, sales techniques.
Often people think it is a matter of gritting their teeth and getting on with the dirty end of the job, when in reality it is a simple matter of giving people what they are looking for via your own information marketing products.
Let me put it this way.
How many people do you know who ask a potential mate to marry them, on the first date? Sounds crazy, doesn't it? So, why would someone buy from you right away without first getting to know, like and trust you? That's why you want to build a relationship with a potential client over time.
I've found that information marketing is one of the best and easiest ways to do that.
Information marketing is about giving value to your potential clients first, so they get to know, like and trust you.
Information marketing also ensures that your prospect gets something of value without having to undergo a sales spiel.
This alone will skyrocket your credibility in their eyes.
If you are prepared to "let go" of the traditional approach to sales and marketing, you can simply have an ebook or special report or ecourse do the selling for you.
Sell to people by giving them information.
How I Made $9,000 in 5 Minutes Using Information Marketing A few months ago, I made $9000 in 5 minutes using just a 20-page Special Report.
I gave a 5-minute talk at a networking event where I offered my Special Report in exchange for people's business cards.
I ended up with cards from almost all 55 people in the room.
After they got the Special Report, I offered a free phone consultation.
Seven people took me up on the offer - and the result? Three people hired me.
Think of a Funnel When Setting Up Your Information Marketing System Information marketing uses a four-stage process to move people from being a prospect, to a lead, to a client, to your champion.
Think of the four stages as a funnel.
Your goal as a marketer is to move a person down your funnel, because the further someone goes down the funnel the more money you make.
You can use information products to move someone through each stage.
Stage 1 - The Prospect In this phase, the person doesn't even know you.
There's no relationship at all yet.
Your job is somehow to get people to notice you.
Some information products you can use in this phase of your information marketing are: ebooks, teleclasses, special reports, white papers, ecourses and articles.
Stage 2 - The Lead This is the crucial phase I call the "Pivotal Point.
" On my website, I use a technique to capture visitors' names and emails by giving them a special report.
Once people opt-in, they become a lead for me.
I now have permission to do more information marketing with them.
Stage 3 - The Client Once someone has given you permission to contact them, your job is then to convert them from a lead to a client.
Once they have given you at least one dollar, they are a client.
I offer an inexpensive one-on-one, 45-minute consultation with me where we strategize ideas for the client's business and marketing plans.
Think how you can move people down the marketing funnel.
How can you capture leads? What incentive can you then give them to move from one phase to another and become a client? Stage 4 - The Champion This is the best part! At this point you've given the client such great service and value that they buy from you over and over AND they refer you to others.
They become your marketing machine.
This is where the lifetime value of a client becomes so profitable.
More Information Marketing Tips to Remember Okay, now you see the process of "dating" a potential client, here are some more points to remember: oAlways provide great value first.
People have to learn to know, like and trust you before they commit with their wallet.
oMoving through the phases of information marketing can happen fast.
This doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out process.
You can move someone from being a prospect to a client in a day or two.
oAlways give clear guidance to the potential client on what to do next.
Give them directions on how to move from being a prospect to a lead to a client to a cheerleader.
Ask yourself, what information relating to your topic are you asked about the most? Put together a special report that addresses the most common questions and challenges people face.
Then find ways to leverage that report to get more leads.
Information marketing is the most powerful way of "selling without selling" that I know.