One might wonder what purpose a post graduate fake degree might have. Keeping in mind that these faux degrees are created and sold as novelty items, there are situations in which one might just come in handy.
There is nothing that can boost self-esteem faster than a fancy title. "Dr. Joe Smith" who is trying to meet and impress women sounds a lot more impressive than just plain, "Joe Smith." Chances are, a post graduate fake degree will increase his luck on the playing field. The faux Dr. Joe Smith can turn heads. He can receive better service in restaurants, get the best theater seats and be invited to all the same events that people with that earned "Dr." in front of their names get invited to.
The best kind of fake degree to buy is one that looks genuine in every way. It should be printed on high quality; archival parchment paper and look just like the real deal. When one looks at a good fake degree framed and hanging on a wall, he or she should not be able to tell the difference between it and a genuine credential. It should have all the required signatures, the official looking university seal and the same types of watermarking that are used by actual universities. Why would anyone want to waste money on one that did not have the look and feel of a real diploma?
A person who works just as hard to become a plumber or a carpenter as a medical doctor works to get his medical degree deserves the same kind of respect as a real doctor. However, he or she seldom receives it. People tend to respond differently to anyone who has that, "Dr," in front of a name, or the "PhD" at the end. While no one should use these novelty degrees for any type of illegal purposes, there is nothing wrong with a little good clean fun. Post graduate fake degreescan be an aid toward instilling the respect that everyone deserves to have.
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There is nothing that can boost self-esteem faster than a fancy title. "Dr. Joe Smith" who is trying to meet and impress women sounds a lot more impressive than just plain, "Joe Smith." Chances are, a post graduate fake degree will increase his luck on the playing field. The faux Dr. Joe Smith can turn heads. He can receive better service in restaurants, get the best theater seats and be invited to all the same events that people with that earned "Dr." in front of their names get invited to.
The best kind of fake degree to buy is one that looks genuine in every way. It should be printed on high quality; archival parchment paper and look just like the real deal. When one looks at a good fake degree framed and hanging on a wall, he or she should not be able to tell the difference between it and a genuine credential. It should have all the required signatures, the official looking university seal and the same types of watermarking that are used by actual universities. Why would anyone want to waste money on one that did not have the look and feel of a real diploma?
A person who works just as hard to become a plumber or a carpenter as a medical doctor works to get his medical degree deserves the same kind of respect as a real doctor. However, he or she seldom receives it. People tend to respond differently to anyone who has that, "Dr," in front of a name, or the "PhD" at the end. While no one should use these novelty degrees for any type of illegal purposes, there is nothing wrong with a little good clean fun. Post graduate fake degreescan be an aid toward instilling the respect that everyone deserves to have.
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