Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Releasing God"s Life Through the Hearts of Men by David Case

A Model for Ministering to and Transforming a Self-indulgent Generation "Releasing God's Life" is intended to develop the ground-work for a "one on one" nurturing ministry.
It is a model for evangelizing in today's culture.
Author David Case begins by establishing an understanding of the relationship of the forces at work in the spiritual realm that impact our daily living and our communion with God.
David uses illustrations from present-day life which clearly reinforce the scriptural truths relevant to spiritual transformation and a connection with God.
He also discusses the role of our attitude, our expressions, and our deeds in relation to spiritual transformation.
He offers insights into the war being waged between spiritual presence and spiritual substance.
Other subjects Case discusses deal with man in the image of God, brokenness, humbleness, closeness to God, talents and gifts, disappointment, obedience, and the process of spiritual maturity.
An appendix at the end of the book includes a detailed summary list of areas of sin, their related core values, and an alternate potential for releasing God's life through your heart.
This list is meant to be a source of help for the reader to develop vision and to recognize the value of the individuals being ministered too.
Each chapter ends with a moving personal prayer, based a scripture passage taken from the theme of the chapter.
An excellent study guide is provided made up of thought provoking questions designed to help the reader assimilate the material and to motivate a resolve and action.
This feature augments the book as a valuable resource tool.
The prayer and study guide became important elements to my enjoyment of the book.
"Releasing God's Life through the Hearts of Men" provides a model for transforming a self-indulgent generation into men and women of God.
David Case is articulate, and relevant.
He writes with fervor, clarity and conviction.
Creation House, 978-1559793283 As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review
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