- 1). Research the most common types of natural disasters in your area. Your church disaster relief plan should be prepared to meet all potential hazards, from terrorism and warfare to natural disasters, but your local emergency management agencies can advise you on the natural disasters most likely to occur in your area.
- 2). Determine what resources your denomination has in place. Your church's governing body may issue specific guidelines and sample relief plans that your church can use in its planning. Identify any training or materials offered by your church's denomination that your church can use.
- 3). Appoint or elect a church disaster relief committee. Determine if this will be a volunteer group or run by staff or ministry. Based on the size of your church and the scope of disaster relief your church wishes to provide, determine how many will need to be on the committee.
- 4). Develop a disaster relief response plan. Outline potential emergencies and what kind of disaster response your church will provide. Your church can give shelter to members who lose their homes, distribute clothing and food, or serve as a liaison between government agencies or relief agencies and church members. Your church should also prepare to provide spiritual counseling after the disaster.
- 5). Train committee members on how to execute the response plan. Each member should be familiar with what to do in case of disaster and their role post-disaster. Training may be available from your denomination or from your local fire or police department.
- 6). Stock and prepare your church's food pantry and emergency supplies. The American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency offer recommendations on minimum preparedness supplies. Have enough on hand for your church membership and consider storing more, if possible. Keep phone numbers and contact information for the Red Cross and FEMA on hand. Assemble a binder with information on disaster relief and recovery resources, and keep a copy at church and with each committee member.