- 1). Park the vehicle in a shaded location. Let the vehicle's paint cool down enough that you can comfortably touch it.
- 2). Wipe a microfiber cloth dampened with water over the sap stain and surrounding paint. Completely remove dirt and any other abrasive grime. Thoroughly dry the paint with a terry cloth towel.
- 3). Soak a second microfiber cloth in mineral spirits. Rub the moistened cloth over the affected paint to detach the tree sap stain. Remove as much sap as possible.
- 4). Examine the automotive paint for remaining sap. If sticky spots remain, spray an all-purpose water-displacing petroleum lubricant liberally onto the affected paint.
- 5). Wipe off the remaining sap with a third microfiber cloth moistened with water. Dry the paint with a second terry cloth towel.
- 6). Polish the paint to restore its shine. Apply a dime-sized dollop of paste auto wax to a microfiber applicator pad. Rub the pad in circular motions over the paint until all of the wax residue is dissolved.