The skin is the biggest organ of your body and has to be maintained well so that you can present a perfect picture of health to the world.
Exfoliating your skin is a very important step in this regard and there are many facial peels, masks and serums that will help you to do that.
When you exfoliate, old dead skin cells present in the outermost layer of your skin is removed.
As for how to exfoliate there are many options in your hand.
First of all, there are chemical peels that are made of alpha or beta hydroxyl, natural fruit enzymes as well as salyic acid.
Such a peel will help in increasing circulation by exfoliating the skin and thus reducing acne.
Other mechanical methods that will help you to exfoliate include loofahs, facial scrubs and pumice stone.
Your next question on how to exfoliate must be regarding how difficult it is and what are the things you will be needed to exfoliate in your home.
First of all, the whole process is very easy.
You will a need a good exfoliant like a facial scrub, loofah or pumice, facial peel, and a face towel.
The process starts with wetting of your face.
Next, apply the facial scrub.
Remember to use only lukewarm water and not hot water while you wash your face.
As for using the exfoliant, first make sure that it is perfect for the skin type you have.
Then squeeze about a dime-sized exfoliant on hand and using a circular motion, gently rub the exfoliant on your face.
Take care to avoid the eye area.
You can also use pumice stone or loofah for the exfoliation of your skin.
These two will not only help in the reduction of stubborn blackheads, but will also slough off dry patches that are there in your skin.
As for how to exfoliate with loofah or a pumice stone, first rinse your face.
Make sure that the water is lukewarm.
Also wash the face thoroughly with the stone or loofah; even more than once to make sure no signs of residue are visible on your skin.
If these are not removed, they will clog your pores and make your skin dry.
Now dry off with a soft clean towel slowly by patting the towel all over your face.
The last answer to your question of how to exfoliate your skin is the usage of chemical peels.
Use it in small amounts first to see whether your skin is sensitive to it or not.
If you see little bit of irritation and redness, do not worry; this is normal.
Do not use it if you see rash, burning and itching in a severe manner.
The chemical peel will come with its own instruction for use.
Make sure that your eyes are well protected when applying the peel near it.
See the instruction regarding how long you have to keep it, and keep it for that time only.
If you need it, set a timer for the task.
Lastly, pat dry your face with a soft clean towel after rinsing it.
Exfoliating your skin is a very important step in this regard and there are many facial peels, masks and serums that will help you to do that.
When you exfoliate, old dead skin cells present in the outermost layer of your skin is removed.
As for how to exfoliate there are many options in your hand.
First of all, there are chemical peels that are made of alpha or beta hydroxyl, natural fruit enzymes as well as salyic acid.
Such a peel will help in increasing circulation by exfoliating the skin and thus reducing acne.
Other mechanical methods that will help you to exfoliate include loofahs, facial scrubs and pumice stone.
Your next question on how to exfoliate must be regarding how difficult it is and what are the things you will be needed to exfoliate in your home.
First of all, the whole process is very easy.
You will a need a good exfoliant like a facial scrub, loofah or pumice, facial peel, and a face towel.
The process starts with wetting of your face.
Next, apply the facial scrub.
Remember to use only lukewarm water and not hot water while you wash your face.
As for using the exfoliant, first make sure that it is perfect for the skin type you have.
Then squeeze about a dime-sized exfoliant on hand and using a circular motion, gently rub the exfoliant on your face.
Take care to avoid the eye area.
You can also use pumice stone or loofah for the exfoliation of your skin.
These two will not only help in the reduction of stubborn blackheads, but will also slough off dry patches that are there in your skin.
As for how to exfoliate with loofah or a pumice stone, first rinse your face.
Make sure that the water is lukewarm.
Also wash the face thoroughly with the stone or loofah; even more than once to make sure no signs of residue are visible on your skin.
If these are not removed, they will clog your pores and make your skin dry.
Now dry off with a soft clean towel slowly by patting the towel all over your face.
The last answer to your question of how to exfoliate your skin is the usage of chemical peels.
Use it in small amounts first to see whether your skin is sensitive to it or not.
If you see little bit of irritation and redness, do not worry; this is normal.
Do not use it if you see rash, burning and itching in a severe manner.
The chemical peel will come with its own instruction for use.
Make sure that your eyes are well protected when applying the peel near it.
See the instruction regarding how long you have to keep it, and keep it for that time only.
If you need it, set a timer for the task.
Lastly, pat dry your face with a soft clean towel after rinsing it.