Why do we need to detox our bodies? - The top reasons why we need to detox our bodies.
I really wanted to know why we need to detox our bodies. I began my research by looking at what is happening to our bodies. As a society we are so unhealthy. Approximately 35% are obese with about 2/3 are either obese or overweight. Along with being overweight come medical problems. One that stood out was diabetes, which is on the rise. World wide there are almost 400 million diabetics, and it is now the 8th leading cause of death.
Diabetes is directly related to a person's diet, which got me to thinking, what are we eating that is so bad for us? Most of the food we consume today is processed. It used to be when my mother was growing up (on a farm), was fresh and good for you. Not now, 90% is processed foods. Even the fresh foods aren't that good for you. With all the chemicals that are on and in them, they are toxic and are making us unhealthy as any time in our history.
Don't do what I did. And that is Google how toxic our food is for us. If you do you'll get really depressed and be scared to eat anything and that is not my intent for writing this article. Many people are going organic because of how toxic our food has become. Regardless our bodies are absorbing and storing these chemicals in fat cells. Which of course causes us to gain weight, and our bodies don't work like they should and also don't get the nutrients we need to stay healthy.
So why do we need to detox our bodies, to rid ourselves of the toxins that accumulate in our cells. What are the benefits? Let me stop here before going on and say depending on how you decide to cleanse your body results may vary. Before attempting any detox system, make sure it is doctor approved and healthy for you. There are so many ways that aren't healthy and very extreme. Some one said this to me €It took years to get to where you are at and it will take time to reverse things.€ Take your time and be patient.
Now with that said, you can guess the big reasons people want to detox their bodies is to lose weight and get healthier. This will happen as you proceed through your program and continue eating healthily. You will also notice you'll feel better and have more energy. As you restore the balance to your body systems, it will work the way it was supposed to and as a result you will see your health increase.
To find out more information on natural weight loss cleanses and detox systems,
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I really wanted to know why we need to detox our bodies. I began my research by looking at what is happening to our bodies. As a society we are so unhealthy. Approximately 35% are obese with about 2/3 are either obese or overweight. Along with being overweight come medical problems. One that stood out was diabetes, which is on the rise. World wide there are almost 400 million diabetics, and it is now the 8th leading cause of death.
Diabetes is directly related to a person's diet, which got me to thinking, what are we eating that is so bad for us? Most of the food we consume today is processed. It used to be when my mother was growing up (on a farm), was fresh and good for you. Not now, 90% is processed foods. Even the fresh foods aren't that good for you. With all the chemicals that are on and in them, they are toxic and are making us unhealthy as any time in our history.
Don't do what I did. And that is Google how toxic our food is for us. If you do you'll get really depressed and be scared to eat anything and that is not my intent for writing this article. Many people are going organic because of how toxic our food has become. Regardless our bodies are absorbing and storing these chemicals in fat cells. Which of course causes us to gain weight, and our bodies don't work like they should and also don't get the nutrients we need to stay healthy.
So why do we need to detox our bodies, to rid ourselves of the toxins that accumulate in our cells. What are the benefits? Let me stop here before going on and say depending on how you decide to cleanse your body results may vary. Before attempting any detox system, make sure it is doctor approved and healthy for you. There are so many ways that aren't healthy and very extreme. Some one said this to me €It took years to get to where you are at and it will take time to reverse things.€ Take your time and be patient.
Now with that said, you can guess the big reasons people want to detox their bodies is to lose weight and get healthier. This will happen as you proceed through your program and continue eating healthily. You will also notice you'll feel better and have more energy. As you restore the balance to your body systems, it will work the way it was supposed to and as a result you will see your health increase.
To find out more information on natural weight loss cleanses and detox systems,
Click Here