- 1). Bath the family pet with a flea shampoo solution. Apply a topical flea solution to kill the fleas and stop their life cycle. Topical applications are available at most veterinary offices and offer protection for up to four weeks.
- 2). Wash all the bedding from the bed in the washing machine using a combination of a few squirts of flea shampoo and bleach or color-safe bleach. Dry the bedding in the dryer on a high heat setting.
- 3). Vacuum the mattress thoroughly. Once it is vacuumed haul the mattress and the box springs outside and place in the sunlight. Allow the mattress and box springs to sit in the sunlight all day. Vacuum the entire room where the bed had been.
- 4). Carry the box springs back into the house. Sprinkle cedar chips and borax on the surface of the box springs. Place the mattress back on the box springs.
- 5). Sprinkle derris and pyrethrum dust around the bedroom and under the bed. Vacuum the area daily and reapply the dust.