10 Steps Before You Refer For: Lipids
Statin intolerance is one of the most common reasons for referral to lipid clinics and may be real or apparent. Exclude emergent hypothyroidism or possible drug interactions. Less severe forms of intolerance are often idiosyncratic and it is reasonable to try different statins or use lower doses in combination with ezetimibe. If referral is necessary, given the vagaries of patients' memories, it helps the specialist enormously to list the drugs used, their doses, and the patient's responses.
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10. Communicate Therapies Already Tried and their Outcomes
Statin intolerance is one of the most common reasons for referral to lipid clinics and may be real or apparent. Exclude emergent hypothyroidism or possible drug interactions. Less severe forms of intolerance are often idiosyncratic and it is reasonable to try different statins or use lower doses in combination with ezetimibe. If referral is necessary, given the vagaries of patients' memories, it helps the specialist enormously to list the drugs used, their doses, and the patient's responses.
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