Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Examining the Link Between PCOS and Infertility

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, is a disorder of the endocrine system that has been known to affect the reproductive organs in females.
This disorder is generally seen when the reproductive hormones are imbalanced.
It is the most common cause of egg production being irregular.
This results in an abnormal menstrual cycle.
Medical experts say this proves the link between PCOS and infertility.
If the female body is experiencing a hormonal imbalance, especially with the reproductive hormones, the ovaries will not function correctly.
The egg follicles fail at producing healthy eggs or they will not release healthy eggs.
What happens is that the egg follicle fails and does not either complete egg development or it does not start the development process at all.
When the egg follicles do this, it leads eggs being reabsorbed into the body.
Cysts often form around the egg follicles and the ovaries.
Sometimes, the damaged eggs are released into the fallopian tubes where cysts also begin to develop.
A hormonal imbalance in a woman often means that there are insufficient levels of the female hormones estrogen and luteinizing.
Instead there are elevated levels of male hormones such as testosterone.
This is why the menstrual cycles are abnormal.
Failure of the body to produce healthy eggs as well is the lack of regular menstrual cycles are what medical experts use to link PCOS to the inability to get pregnant.
Most women recognize that an abnormal menstrual cycle is an indication of a severe problem.
However, some doctors will dismiss abnormal periods as indication that there is a problem because it is normal for the menstrual cycle to change periodically in women.
Women who suffer from PCOS will often experience many symptoms or combinations of symptoms.
The most noticeable symptom an irregular or missing menstruation cycle.
However, there are many more symptoms associated with PCOS that are often overlooked or thought to be disorders on their own.
This would include high blood pressure, diabetes or an insulin deficiency.
Other symptoms include obesity and excess facial hair and excess body hair.
Women with PCOS often suffer from depression and anxiety.
Even though it may seem like the symptoms of PCOS are obvious, they are often singled out and treated as individual disorders instead of the symptoms of a major problem.
Because of this, a woman can go a long time without knowing that they have reproductive issues in their body.
In most cases of PCOS, it is not diagnosed or even brought to the attention of a doctor until the woman has been attempting to get pregnant for over six months and has failed to do so.
Women who exhibit the symptoms of PCOS are encouraged to visit their doctor right away.
Currently, there is not a cure for PCOS and infertility.
However there many treatments available to women who suffer from the inability to become pregnant and have been diagnosed with PCOS as the cause.
These treatments can reverse the affects of PCOS; however the reversal is only temporary.
Speaking with a medical expert is the best chance a woman has at reversing this condition and being able to bear children.
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