- A cool season, perennial grass, tall fescue grows rapidly, especially in the fall. The coarse-textured, dark-green grass forms clumps with deep root systems and broad, pointed leaves up to 1/2 inch wide. The stem base may be reddish. Tall fescue produces flower panicles rising above the grass clump in late spring and early summer. The flower panicles may grow up to a foot tall. Tall fescue thrives in a wide variety of soil types and in pH levels from 5.5 to 7.0.
- Glyphosate is a nonselective herbicide, which means it will kill any plant or grass it contacts. Glyphosate in a spray bottle is good for spot treatments when only a few clumps of tall fescue are present. Use a pump-type sprayer for larger areas of infestation. Wait at least five days, and then rake the area thoroughly to loosen the soil. Spreading desirable grass seed over the treated area renovates that part of the lawn. Glyphosate herbicides are readily available to homeowners.
- A nonselective herbicide, glufosinate is applied in the same manner as glyphosate. Use herbicides containing glufosinate to spot treat a small area, or drench a large stand of tall fescue. Replenish the lawn with new grass seed a week after treating with glufosinate, but no later than August.
- An herbicide unavailable to homeowners, chlorsulforon is applied by a lawn professional licensed to use it. Chlorsulforon is a selective herbicide that kills the tall fescue gradually. Once the tall fescue has wilted and died, remove the dead clumps by hand. Normally, lawn grass moves in and fills the spot without any assistance, as the dead fescue decomposes naturally.
- Spray nonselective herbicides only on windless days and do not to overspray the target, or the product kills nearby plants and grass. Do not allow a lawn contractor to apply chlorsulfuron to tall fescue that is infesting a ryegrass lawn. Ryegrass is highly susceptible to damage from this herbicide.
- Apply herbicides any time from late spring to early summer. If needed, reapply the product from mid to late fall, when tall fescue grows most vigorously.