Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Workout Routines

Picture how good you will look not long from now when you learn the best muscle building workout routines.
In this article I will give you an actionable plan to build muscle.
You may already know that it is very important that you eat the right foods so part of your routine should be to set yourself meal times.
I recommend eating 3-4 meals a day that are high in protein and high in carbohydrates.
Cut out all junk food because it will just make you fat! Foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates are- Chicken Red meats Green vegetables Rice Oats Grain cereals Fruit Nuts Potatoes It's a great start to create a menu full of these foods, I also recommend drinking 8-9 glasses of water a day and 2-3 protein shakes a day.
You can buy protein shakes from most gyms and health food shops.
I'm sure you will find it helpful to know some great workouts that will help you to build muscle.
1) Pull-ups Pull-ups build the muscles in your back and your biceps 2) Bar dips Bar dips build the muscles in your shoulders and chest 3) Shoulder press Shoulder press builds the muscles in your shoulders and triceps 4) Bench press Bench press builds the muscles in your chest and triceps 5) Dead lifts Dead lifts build the muscles in your lower back, hamstrings and quads 6) Squats Squats build the muscles in your hamstrings, quads, calves and upper body.
Its important to know that when you go to them gym and lift weights you should go for the heaviest weights you can lift.
Lifting heavy weights will force your body to grow stronger and to try and adapt to the heavy weights you are lifting.
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