Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Getting Pregnant After 40 Is Possible

There are many women out there who spend years researching many publication about their infertility and in some cases are able to find that one bright spot, getting pregnant in their forties after implementing the suggestions given by other women who have had similar experiences.
There is a school of thought among some women and also some experts that childbearing can be postponed for later years at which time these women are more settled in there career and jobs, they are more mature and so are ready to take on motherhood, but there can be a price for this delay.
Medical and reproductive research experts on the other hand have determined that a woman's most fertile reproductive years are between the age of early twenties and early thirties, if there are no medical issues.
She is healthy both in mind and body and her partner sperm count and sperm motility is healthy and the timing is right then the probability will be quite high.
Beyond this age range it becomes more challenging as the years s the years passes, and getting pregnant after forty years of age become even much more challenging but of course not impossible.
Infertility could be one of the obstacle standing in the way of conception, also hormonal imbalance could be another factor at this age.
When a couple is trying to conceive in their forties and it is not happening, anxiety and frustration could set in which upset the mind and create tension in the body.
A woman who is trying to get pregnant should be emotionally and physically balanced and stable if not the process of conception can appear to be out of your reach and very disheartening.
Getting pregnant after forty years old carries a number risks which women in this age group should be aware of, they include miscarriages, birth defects of the baby and complications during pregnancy.
Some of these can be reduce with the help of your OBGYN as the pregnancy progress and they are closely monitored.
One of the procedure your doctor will recommend is the amniocentesis which revel the medical condition of the fetus, if the Chromosomes are right, and all else is well then things will be allowed to continue, if all is not well, your doctor will recommend what he or she think is the best course to take.
There are many women are trying to get pregnant after the age of forty and are experiencing a significant amount of anxiety, they can rest assure that all is not lost.
With the advances in medical science there is help, so you can be hopeful that with the help of your OBGYN, other fertility experts and your efforts, it can happen.
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