In Senator John McCain's concession speech to President Elect Barack Obama he asked all his supporters and everyone that voted for him to now get behind Barack Obama because the election was over and it's time to move on as Americans.
He discussed the 22-months of campaigning, which had ended; the contest was over and the Barack Obama campaign ran a good fight and they had won.
Like a true statesman Senator John McCain asked that we work together as one.
We should accept and expect nothing less from such a great American.
He is correct, it is time to move on and work together in a common cause to build our civilization and make the United States of America even greater.
Nevertheless, there are still many who believe that Senator Barack Obama stole the presidency or rather bought it through expensive television ads and world class PR firms that he hired.
Indeed, that is part of an election and every candidate or politician running for any office needs to be cognizant of the need for advertising dollars and image.
But, that is not the only reason that many people believe Senator Barack Obama should not be president.
You see some people believe that he has lied to the American people and failed to show that he is indeed a US citizen.
One court case in Pennsylvania accused Barack Obama of not presenting a birth certificate or a real un-altered birth certificate that shows he was born in the United States.
It makes sense that anyone who decides to run for public office will be looked at under a microscope and if there are any skeletons in the closet they will be brought out to the forefront.
Senator Barack Obama had his share of attacks on his personal character and his opponents brought out many things in his past, things that he'd rather not talk about, but was forced to.
The president of the United States in essence is leader of the free world because the United States has a GDP of $17 trillion, the next nearest economy is Germany with 5.
5 trillion.
Suffice it to say, the United States has run away from the rest of the world and economically speaking we run the world.
This makes the presidency even more important, in a way the president of the United States is very much the most important position that any human can have.
In the weeks and months to come there will be further inquiry as to President Elect Barack Obama's legitimacy to serve under the rules of the Constitution.
The issue of his birth certificate is still unresolved and there are those political opponents that will use this to attempt to start an impeachment process.
Will these opponents be able to succeed in impeaching President Elect Barack Obama before he takes office? Will the court case go on during his presidency and plague the early years of his administration? Further, if it is found that he is not eligible to run for president, and since he is a constitutional lawyer and knows the law, does that mean that all the people that donated money to his campaign were fraudulently induced and victims of a crime? Now, don't shoot the messenger, I am just asking the questions, as I am not pro-Obama nor am I against him, after all he is my President now right? I am an American citizen, I love my country, and all I want is the truth.
So please consider this because the American People have the right to know and we must know, don't you think?
He discussed the 22-months of campaigning, which had ended; the contest was over and the Barack Obama campaign ran a good fight and they had won.
Like a true statesman Senator John McCain asked that we work together as one.
We should accept and expect nothing less from such a great American.
He is correct, it is time to move on and work together in a common cause to build our civilization and make the United States of America even greater.
Nevertheless, there are still many who believe that Senator Barack Obama stole the presidency or rather bought it through expensive television ads and world class PR firms that he hired.
Indeed, that is part of an election and every candidate or politician running for any office needs to be cognizant of the need for advertising dollars and image.
But, that is not the only reason that many people believe Senator Barack Obama should not be president.
You see some people believe that he has lied to the American people and failed to show that he is indeed a US citizen.
One court case in Pennsylvania accused Barack Obama of not presenting a birth certificate or a real un-altered birth certificate that shows he was born in the United States.
It makes sense that anyone who decides to run for public office will be looked at under a microscope and if there are any skeletons in the closet they will be brought out to the forefront.
Senator Barack Obama had his share of attacks on his personal character and his opponents brought out many things in his past, things that he'd rather not talk about, but was forced to.
The president of the United States in essence is leader of the free world because the United States has a GDP of $17 trillion, the next nearest economy is Germany with 5.
5 trillion.
Suffice it to say, the United States has run away from the rest of the world and economically speaking we run the world.
This makes the presidency even more important, in a way the president of the United States is very much the most important position that any human can have.
In the weeks and months to come there will be further inquiry as to President Elect Barack Obama's legitimacy to serve under the rules of the Constitution.
The issue of his birth certificate is still unresolved and there are those political opponents that will use this to attempt to start an impeachment process.
Will these opponents be able to succeed in impeaching President Elect Barack Obama before he takes office? Will the court case go on during his presidency and plague the early years of his administration? Further, if it is found that he is not eligible to run for president, and since he is a constitutional lawyer and knows the law, does that mean that all the people that donated money to his campaign were fraudulently induced and victims of a crime? Now, don't shoot the messenger, I am just asking the questions, as I am not pro-Obama nor am I against him, after all he is my President now right? I am an American citizen, I love my country, and all I want is the truth.
So please consider this because the American People have the right to know and we must know, don't you think?