Can a shy person succeed in network marketing? well of course network marketing is a people business, and as such to build our businesses or move product we have to interact with people, but how many of us, who are not from the sales industry find it very difficult to know what to say when we first meet a potential customer or prospect for our business? While we are thinking about it the moment has passed and we feel deflated or beat up on ourselves for missing the chance.
What if I could share with you a few tips that will get your mouth moving and the contact sitting up and paying attention to what you have to share, would that be cool ?
People do not like to be pitched, as soon as they suss that a pitch is on the way they put up their defences, now you are in a losing battle with them, they will not hear what you are saying, their mind is off somewhere else just waiting the opportunity to escape from you.
Sooo, what if we started with a question, a question that will make them sit up and lean forward and listen intently because you are about to pose to them a question that they are keen to answer for you. So what is this magic question? Well here goes.
I'm just curious, would you like me to tell you what the question is?
I'm just curious, in your job do you get to choose your own hours?
I'm just curious, do you get to spend lots of quality time with the family.
I'm just curious, do you enjoy working weekends?
I'm just curious, do you ever think about being your own boss?
I am sure that you could come up with many more questions prefixed with I'm just curious.
This way you are showing an interest in that person and their opinion and thoughts about their lifestyle.
Now based on their answers you can move on to the next objective which is to get them to agree to come to a business presentation so how do we approach this bit, well what if you said to them.
"Would you be open to exploring a side project if it didn't interfere with what you are currently doing (that would allow you /to spend more quality time with the family—choose your own hours—be your own boss—have weekends off )
What have we done here? We have found the root reason WHY this prospect would look at your business.
In my next post I will discuss dealing with objections.
In the meantime I hope that this has been of help to those who find it difficult to open a conversation with new prospects.
Wishing you every success, until the next time
What if I could share with you a few tips that will get your mouth moving and the contact sitting up and paying attention to what you have to share, would that be cool ?
People do not like to be pitched, as soon as they suss that a pitch is on the way they put up their defences, now you are in a losing battle with them, they will not hear what you are saying, their mind is off somewhere else just waiting the opportunity to escape from you.
Sooo, what if we started with a question, a question that will make them sit up and lean forward and listen intently because you are about to pose to them a question that they are keen to answer for you. So what is this magic question? Well here goes.
I'm just curious, would you like me to tell you what the question is?
I'm just curious, in your job do you get to choose your own hours?
I'm just curious, do you get to spend lots of quality time with the family.
I'm just curious, do you enjoy working weekends?
I'm just curious, do you ever think about being your own boss?
I am sure that you could come up with many more questions prefixed with I'm just curious.
This way you are showing an interest in that person and their opinion and thoughts about their lifestyle.
Now based on their answers you can move on to the next objective which is to get them to agree to come to a business presentation so how do we approach this bit, well what if you said to them.
"Would you be open to exploring a side project if it didn't interfere with what you are currently doing (that would allow you /to spend more quality time with the family—choose your own hours—be your own boss—have weekends off )
What have we done here? We have found the root reason WHY this prospect would look at your business.
In my next post I will discuss dealing with objections.
In the meantime I hope that this has been of help to those who find it difficult to open a conversation with new prospects.
Wishing you every success, until the next time