- 1). Peel the flesh from the mango with a paring knife or vegetable peeler.
- 2). Set the mango upright on a clean cutting board.
- 3). Cut thin strips from the mango by slicing with a sharp knife lengthwise.
- 4). Turn the oven to the warm setting or the lowest temperature setting between 130 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 5). Place the mango slices in an even layer on a wire cooling rack with a piece of cheesecloth draped over them.
- 6). Set the sheet or tray in the oven, with the door propped slightly open. Position a fan outside the oven and direct it into the oven. Turn it on low and keep it running while the mango is drying.
- 7). Dry the mango until it has no soft spots and feels like rubber. Drying times vary on the moisture content of the mango, the thickness of the slices and the humidity in your environment. The mango may take as little as a few hours to dry or up to 24 hours.