- 1). Scrape out a shallow depression in the ground that is approximately 2 inches deep and 3 feet in diameter. Fill with water. Allow the water to soak into the ground.
- 2). Build a dirt wall around the outer perimeter of your depression using your shovel. Make the wall approximately 6 inches high all the way around.
- 3). Set a small clean cup in the center of your depression. The cup should not be more than 3 inches tall.
- 4). Cut a sheet of clear plastic (black sheeting will work as well) approximately 4 feet in diameter so that it will completely cover the depression. Lay this sheet across the top of the 6 inch high dirt wall you have built. Using your shovel lay dirt on top of the plastic sheet all around the edges. Stretch the plastic sheet tight across the depression, using the dirt to hold the edges of the sheet tight.
- 5). Set a marble or other small object in the center of your tightly-stretched plastic sheet. This should cause a slight depression in the center of the plastic right above the cup in the center of the depression. Do not allow the plastic sheet to touch the cup--it should be at least half an inch above the cup.
- 6). Wait for the sun to do its work. As the day progresses the sun will heat the ground through your plastic sheet, causing the water in the soil to evaporate and condense on the underside of your plastic sheet. The marble will cause the condensed water to run to the center of the sheet where it will drip into the cup. After several hours you should have a full cup of perfectly clean distilled water.
How to Build Water Distillers