- 1). Make a template for your fish. Take a poster board and draw a fish. Use the scissors and carefully cut out the fish. Now you should have a great fish template.
- 2). Use your template to cut out the fish using the tissue paper. Tissue paper is thin so be extra careful when cutting it. You should have two sheets of yellow and two of the green cut. This will add extra color and thickness without adding a lot of weight.
- 3). Allow your children to decorate the fish. Let them use the markers to draw the eyes, lips and mouth. Don't forget the fins and the tail of the fish. Decorate just the yellow sheets of the tissue paper. The green tissue paper will go inside.
- 4). Make a cross with the wooden dowel rods. Fasten tightly with tape. I would recommend duct tape because it holds so well. Use the one blade of the scissors and make a notch on each end of the dowel rods. Lay this down on your work area for the next step.
- 5). Thread the kite string on each rod. You should have a diamond shape now. This is where you will attach your fish.
- 6). Lay your tissue paper fish carefully on one side of the diamond. Tape this and smooth the tissue paper as you tape it. Turn it over and attach it to the other side. I recommend scotch tape here because it's transparent and holds to the tissue paper better than duct tape.
- 7). Attach the strips of colored paper with scotch tape to the end of the kite. This will make the tail.