Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Supreme Almighty - the eternal being

Supreme almighty is the invisible existence, who exists beyondeverything even from space and time. We call him God, Aum, Allah, Parmeshwar, Satnam, Omkar, the Pranab sound and so on. He has made Himself first and then the GOD (G-generator, O-operator, D-destructor). These are three-in-one super divine powers made by Supreme Almighty to make this multi-dimensional Creation/Universe.

The Supreme Almighty is unknown to everybody. Nobody, including GOD, knows Him. Who is He? Where has He come from? How was He made or who made Him or why has He made this creation? Nobody knows this. He is nothing but everything. He is everything but nothing. He has no form or size. He is completely invisible and beyond even from GOD. This entire unlimited space is He. He is in us and we are in Him. We live in Him. He watches each and everything every moment. If He feels that somebody is going wrong, He guides him/her. GOD has made, is operating and destroys this creation on the order of the Supreme Almighty. We all including gods, goddesses, devil(s) are His children. One, who makes mistakes, perform bad deeds, misuse powers or so on then the Supreme Almighty punishes him/her in the interest of justice for the time being. Anyone, whom He has granted mights, is not allowed to go out of his/her judicial powers. Though He does not stop anybody directly but punishes him/her severely if performed bad deeds. One, who goes in His holy feet for anything, does not return empty handed. He gives everything but for the time being. We well have to wait for/till the right time.

On His order, the Generator (Lord Brahma) made this creation. He, himself, does not know why he has made this creation. The Operator (Lord Vishnu) is operating this creation but he does not know why he is doing so and the Destructor (Lord Shiva) destructs this creation but he does not know why he is doing so. Everything is moving under Time. In fact, there is multi-dimensional existence in the Space+Time. But we know only four dimensions till now. The four dimensions are length, breadth, height (Space) and Time.  Nobody can win time and its speed is equal to that of the Light. Each and every matter/soul whether it is physical or metaphysical, seen or unseen lies in Space+Time but if anything, which moves at the speed of time, will remain same in space and unaffected by time.

If one, who worships/meditate Him, will be resolved in Him and becomes He, Himself. And one, who once gets Him, gets everything and after completion of his time never comes to this creation again. This is called Moksha. It is why, the Rasulullah (Prophet) Mohammad Sallallaho Alehe Vasallam said, "lai lah il-lal-laho……….."  It means, "Only Allah is mabood (The only one, who is worthy to be worshipped).

If you want to know Him, get yourself. You are none other than He. You will listen Him in the terms of a never-ended sound A~u~m….A~u~m…A~u~m…?." This is His sound in you. Whether you repeatedly say Ram, Aum, Allah-hu, Ek-onkar-satnam, Parmeshawar or so on, in your mind, you will find this sound at the last not anywhere else but in and within you.

Always remember Him. If He let Himself you seen or say you something, nobody including GOD, cannot see or listen Him against His wish except you. He is above all. He is Supreme. He is Supreme Almighty. Get yourself. Get Him. Get Moksha. Then there will be nothing to wish. All worlds will be yours. Everything will be yours. Worship Him. Meditate Him. Think Him. You are none other than He. He is none other than you. Just get into yourself.

By: Swamiji
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