How many times have you thrown out a clear plastic bottle and wondered what will happen to it? Well, the answer is that it will sit in a landfill for a long, long, long time.
When you consider how many bottles people throw out each day, that's a scary thought.
Pretty soon, the landfills could be overflowing with them.
In fact, in some places, they already are.
Now, how many times have you wondered what happens when you recycle plastic bottles? You probably think they get crushed up and recycled into new bottles, right? Well, that can be true.
The fact is, though, they can be recycled into a lot of things.
One of those things is clothing.
That's right.
Plastic bottles, the clear ones, anyway, are made of the same polyester material that many pieces of clothing are made out of.
In fact, there are facilities that exist that recycle those bottles into materials that can be then made into all sorts of clothing, such as fleece jackets.
It's worth considering that you could be wearing recycled bottles at this very minute.
It's also worth considering the fact that millions of bottles are tossed away every day and that it only takes a few to make a jacket or a shirt, though.
So, it's still a much better idea to reuse your water bottles for water or get a filtration system instead of using bottles.
That way, you can do your part to protect the planet and feel good about yourself in the process.
When you consider how many bottles people throw out each day, that's a scary thought.
Pretty soon, the landfills could be overflowing with them.
In fact, in some places, they already are.
Now, how many times have you wondered what happens when you recycle plastic bottles? You probably think they get crushed up and recycled into new bottles, right? Well, that can be true.
The fact is, though, they can be recycled into a lot of things.
One of those things is clothing.
That's right.
Plastic bottles, the clear ones, anyway, are made of the same polyester material that many pieces of clothing are made out of.
In fact, there are facilities that exist that recycle those bottles into materials that can be then made into all sorts of clothing, such as fleece jackets.
It's worth considering that you could be wearing recycled bottles at this very minute.
It's also worth considering the fact that millions of bottles are tossed away every day and that it only takes a few to make a jacket or a shirt, though.
So, it's still a much better idea to reuse your water bottles for water or get a filtration system instead of using bottles.
That way, you can do your part to protect the planet and feel good about yourself in the process.