- 1). Open the cap for the gasoline holding tank. The cap is black, round and located next to the pull starter. Fill the lawnmower with 87-octane gasoline until the holding tank is full. Place the cap back onto the gasoline holding tank.
- 2). Locate the primer button positioned to the right of the muffler on the left side of the mower. Press the button firmly three times. This forces gasoline into the carburetor. If the temperature is less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, push the primer button five times.
- 3). Pull the blade control bar against the handle of the mower. This is the bar you let go of when you want to turn the mower off.
- 4). Place the ignition key into the key cylinder located on the handle and turn it to start the mower just as you would a car. On models not equipped with a key, pull hard on the pull start rope until the mower starts.