- 1). Install a support beam beneath the AC unit from the outside. Any form of support is sufficient. The purpose of the support is to keep the unit from falling out when you raise the window.
- 2). Raise the window. You may need to remove retaining screws that connect the upper guide to the window. Set a level on top of the window unit so that you can see the angle of the unit from the front to the rear.
- 3). Remove the retaining screws from the left and right sides of the unit. The screws are mounted on the lower front corners of each side. Pull the AC unit out of the metal housing. Set the unit on a flat surface.
- 4). Tap shims beneath the front of the cabinet if the unit rests on a wooden platform for support. Place sufficient shims there to angle the housing slightly down and away from the building. You may need to unscrew three retaining screws inside the housing that secure it to the wooden platform. Reinstall the screws once you have properly leveled the housing.
- 5). Loosen the locking nut on the sill supports beneath the housing for units that are secured to the window frame instead of a wooden platform. The sill supports are two bolts attached to braces screwed into the base of the housing held in place with locking nuts. Loosen the locking nuts by twisting them counter-clockwise. Tighten the bolts by twisting them clockwise until the level indicates the unit is angled down and away from the house. Tighten the locking nuts.
- 6). Slide the AC unit back into the housing and reattach the retaining screws into the side. Lower the window so that the window sits in the upper guide. Reattach any retaining screws through the guide into the window that you removed.