Although I made a previous article about not overdoing your regiment, running is a lifestyle, and should be treated as such.
That is not to say you should overdo your routine while you work towards shedding those pounds.
Eat properly and drink plenty of water each and everyday.
Even when you have days in which you will not run, you should be working toward your next day of running.
Because you are probably just starting to run, your metabolism is very high from your running and you need to keep your body well nourished.
Instead of drinking soda, drink water.
If you are feeling hungry, drink a glass or two of water because there is a good chance your body is saying that it is dehydrated.
Too often we think that we are hungry, instead of thirsty.
Instead of reaching for a candy bar or a cup of pudding, look for a piece of fruit or a grain bar.
Try to eat smaller meals instead of larger ones, if possible.
They are easier to digest, plus they keep your metabolism up.
How about doing calisthenics during your rest days? Having strong abs are very important for the runner.
If you do you ab exercises correctly, you will never need to shell out any cash for any fad product advertised on TV.
Trust me, crunches do work.
Doing push-ups, as annoying as they may be, really help you to be able to swing your arms during a run.
When you are getting tired, or just need a boost, swing your arms harder - it's like a turbo boost! You have made a commitment to lose weight by running.
Now, make a commitment for it to become a part of your lifestyle by actually never taking a day off from running.
I mean that metaphorically, of course, as you should not run everyday of the week, but you ought to prepare for running everyday of the week!
That is not to say you should overdo your routine while you work towards shedding those pounds.
Eat properly and drink plenty of water each and everyday.
Even when you have days in which you will not run, you should be working toward your next day of running.
Because you are probably just starting to run, your metabolism is very high from your running and you need to keep your body well nourished.
Instead of drinking soda, drink water.
If you are feeling hungry, drink a glass or two of water because there is a good chance your body is saying that it is dehydrated.
Too often we think that we are hungry, instead of thirsty.
Instead of reaching for a candy bar or a cup of pudding, look for a piece of fruit or a grain bar.
Try to eat smaller meals instead of larger ones, if possible.
They are easier to digest, plus they keep your metabolism up.
How about doing calisthenics during your rest days? Having strong abs are very important for the runner.
If you do you ab exercises correctly, you will never need to shell out any cash for any fad product advertised on TV.
Trust me, crunches do work.
Doing push-ups, as annoying as they may be, really help you to be able to swing your arms during a run.
When you are getting tired, or just need a boost, swing your arms harder - it's like a turbo boost! You have made a commitment to lose weight by running.
Now, make a commitment for it to become a part of your lifestyle by actually never taking a day off from running.
I mean that metaphorically, of course, as you should not run everyday of the week, but you ought to prepare for running everyday of the week!