- Ant control for yards starts with finding where the ant colony nests. Most people may think of ants as traditionally being located in mounds, or anthills, but there are actually a number of less-obvious places that could serve as home base for colonies. Aside from mounds, you should look beneath the level of the grass on the border areas of the house, under large rocks or other structures lying around, in the cracks of sidewalks or pavement, or even beneath the siding of your house where it meets the ground outside.
- In addition to insecticides, there are some natural ways to control ants in your yard. Vinegar and lemon juice confuse their sense of smell, throwing a colony into confusion and disorganization. Baby powder and baking soda can work as a good barrier to ants. If you place a line of either one around the entrance to a colony, it will confuse the ants both coming and going. You can also put it around the entry points of your home to discourage ants from trying to get in. When there is an obvious mound or other entrance in an open area, you can try boiling water. Boil 2 or 3 gallons of water and pour about 2 to 3 qts. of it directly into the center of the mound, and let it soak in. Pour about half of the remaining water into and around the center. Once that soaks, pour the rest of the water into the center of the mound. Of course, none of these methods will eliminate ants completely, but they will help you at least get a handle on your ant problem.
- Your best bet if you want to eliminate ants is to use an insecticide or bait treatment. Spray the insecticide in the ants' nesting area once you locate it. Sprinkle the bait treatment in an area where you regularly see the ants. Don't put it directly on the nest --- they'll carry it back there once they find it. Follow the instructions that come with the product you purchase, and remember you typically should not use insecticides and bait treatments in conjunction, as one will cancel out the effectiveness of the other. These forms of ant control will have the best results if you follow directions and use them long enough.
- You may be looking for a way to control ants in your yard, but what you may not realize is that an outdoor ant problem could quickly become an indoor problem. Fortunately, there are precautions you can take to ensure that your house does not get infested. Stop up cracks leading to the inside of your house with caulk. Clean around door thresholds and window sills with a strong soap and spray a barrier of insecticide. It would also be a good idea to continue the insecticide application all the way around your house. You should also make a point to clean up any crumbs left lying around that might entice the ants indoors in the first place.
Locating Ants
Natural Means of Controlling Ants
Insecticides and Bait Treatments
Precautions to Take Around Your House