To get the best possible results from an SEO campaign, you must follow the correct procedures to ensure that your website is optimised internally to the highest possible standard. When search engines decide what position to place a website in their search results, they take into account many areas of your website. These areas differentiate depending on the search engine i.e Google, Yahoo and Bing. Therefore it is fundamental to cover all areas of on site SEO.
Web Design Leicester have put together a quick step by step guide to help you get started with optimising your website.
Keyword Selection
One of the first steps in any SEO Campaign is completing a list of Key phrases that you wish to appear for in the Search Engine results. Picking keywords which have a very low search volume may very well get the your site to perform well for this keyword almost instantly but if the public aren't typing this keyword in to search engines they will never be found through it.
AdWords Keyword Tool
To search for the best possible keywords you can use Googles free AdWords keyword tool. AdWords will show you their local monthly search volumes which can inform us how many people actually type these keywords into Google to find the product or service you offer.
Go to:
If you are searching for a regional campaign with local areas, instead of putting every area you should just substitute this with the nearest City i.e. London for the purpose of the search.
Change the match type from "Broad" to "Exact".
When the search is returned you can click on "local monthly searches" to order the keywords. Once this is done you can see the quantity of people that search each term. From these results you can choose the best Keywords for your website. You may get some ideas presented to you that you hadn't thought of so it's always best to look.
Keyword Distribution
As the domain root holds the most authority, you should prioritize your keywords with the 3 with the highest search volume on the home page. The others should then be distributed according to the relevance of where they would fit best throughout the remaining pages.
If you are doing a search for a national campaign you would exclude the addition of London in your search.
You should also apply common sense, for example 'gas' has a very high search volume nationally, but when added with a regional campaign i.e. gas London, it no longer makes sense and would not be searched by an end user.
Rules for adding Areas
The selection of areas given, unless stated otherwise from the sales manager or client, will be prioritized by population size. The reason we do this is to ensure that the areas with the most potential traffic for the site are made the main areas for the SEO. The best way to find the population size is by searching the area in Wikipedia. Pick the top 3 areas to go on the main website. Any more than this need to be made into area pages by grouping 2-3 areas together in a common sense manner according to location.
Generally SEO should be about good balance of keyword distribution throughout the page, the Headings should support what is in the paragraph to come, and the most important (the most competitive keywords should come first).
Web Design Leicester have put together a quick step by step guide to help you get started with optimising your website.
Keyword Selection
One of the first steps in any SEO Campaign is completing a list of Key phrases that you wish to appear for in the Search Engine results. Picking keywords which have a very low search volume may very well get the your site to perform well for this keyword almost instantly but if the public aren't typing this keyword in to search engines they will never be found through it.
AdWords Keyword Tool
To search for the best possible keywords you can use Googles free AdWords keyword tool. AdWords will show you their local monthly search volumes which can inform us how many people actually type these keywords into Google to find the product or service you offer.
Go to:
If you are searching for a regional campaign with local areas, instead of putting every area you should just substitute this with the nearest City i.e. London for the purpose of the search.
Change the match type from "Broad" to "Exact".
When the search is returned you can click on "local monthly searches" to order the keywords. Once this is done you can see the quantity of people that search each term. From these results you can choose the best Keywords for your website. You may get some ideas presented to you that you hadn't thought of so it's always best to look.
Keyword Distribution
As the domain root holds the most authority, you should prioritize your keywords with the 3 with the highest search volume on the home page. The others should then be distributed according to the relevance of where they would fit best throughout the remaining pages.
If you are doing a search for a national campaign you would exclude the addition of London in your search.
You should also apply common sense, for example 'gas' has a very high search volume nationally, but when added with a regional campaign i.e. gas London, it no longer makes sense and would not be searched by an end user.
Rules for adding Areas
The selection of areas given, unless stated otherwise from the sales manager or client, will be prioritized by population size. The reason we do this is to ensure that the areas with the most potential traffic for the site are made the main areas for the SEO. The best way to find the population size is by searching the area in Wikipedia. Pick the top 3 areas to go on the main website. Any more than this need to be made into area pages by grouping 2-3 areas together in a common sense manner according to location.
Generally SEO should be about good balance of keyword distribution throughout the page, the Headings should support what is in the paragraph to come, and the most important (the most competitive keywords should come first).