Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Which Foods Should I Eat For A Girl Baby?

If you are trying for a baby and hoping for a daughter, you may be wondering "which foods should I eat for a girl baby?" Indeed, it is possible to subtly influence the gender of your child by the foods you eat prior to conception.
The reason why this is possible is down to the fact that male and female sperm have different characteristics and thrive best in different types of environment.
Male sperm is more fragile and thrives best in an alkaline environment whereas the more robust female sperm has no trouble surviving in acidic conditions.
To start off, it is a good idea to test the pH level of your vagina.
This can vary from woman to woman and once you have a starting point, you can determine just how much work you need to do.
If your pH level is alkaline or borderline, then you might want to combine altering your diet with other techniques to sway the pH level such as douching.
In addition, you will probably find it useful to test your pH level regularly to monitor the effect your diet is having.
Testing is simple.
You can get hold of an inexpensive pack of pH paper testing strips from some pharmacies or online.
With regard to the question, "which foods should I eat for a girl baby?" you should concentrate on foods which raise the pH level to one which is more acidic.
Such foods include those rich in magnesium and calcium and those which do not contain salt or potassium.
You should also avoid caffeine.
Examples of actual foods to eat include beans, cranberries, blueberries, eggs, meat, fish, wholegrain and yogurt.
As well as the actual foods you should eat for a girl, you should ensure that you stick to no more than the recommended daily calorie intake for your height, as there are indications that eating slightly fewer calories encourages the conception of a girl.
Of course, to give yourself the best possible chance of having a daughter, it is best to use a multifaceted approach which uses a number of strategies in combination, with each increasing the odds until overall, you have a high chance of having a girl.
Asking "which foods should I eat for a girl baby" and sticking to the recommendations will help, but it is only one part of the jigsaw.
You will also need to time intercourse correctly and consider which positions will favor female sperm.
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