- 1). Allow the scab to heal. You may be tempted to pick at it. You must resist the temptation, because you could open the wound again -- and not only bring in bacteria -- but possibly make a larger scar, according to WebMD.
- 2). Apply sunscreen to the scabbed area. Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, MD, states that the sun can cause hyper-pigmentation on the scabbed area. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, with the ingredients zinc and titanium dioxide.
- 3). Use petroleum jelly on the scabbed area. This keeps it moist and free from itching.
- 4). Apply silicone gel sheeting over the scabbed area to minimize scar formation. You can buy a silicone treatment product over-the-counter. Follow the directions on the package.
- 5). Treat the scabbed area carefully. Washcloths can hurt the tender area, so be gentle when cleaning.
- 6). Incorporate more zinc into your diet. Zinc may be beneficial in wound healing. Zinc is present in many foods, including dark meat, turkey, Swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. You can also take a zinc supplement, but follow the directions on the package.