So you`ve decided to try the P90X workout series? If you`re not sure where to begin, this article will lay out P90X workout best practices to start you off on the right path.
If you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to reshaping your body and getting ripped in 90 days total.
First of all, set up the area where you will be working out.
You will need an area at least six feet wide, preferably 8 or 10 feet wide with a dvd player and a television.
You will also need a few pieces of basic equipment.
Hand weights (dumbbells) in at least three increasing weights would be perfect.
For example, I have a set of 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 pound weights.
Also, you will need resistance bands for exercise.
I use mine instead of the pull up bars however, if you have a door frame that you can hang it off of, you may want to consider the pull up bar.
Since I do not, I got my husband to hand a heavy duty hook that I hang my resistance bands off of.
Make sure it is super solid because it will take a beating.
A yoga mat is the only other piece of equipment you will need to do the P90X workouts.
Next, you will want to set up your kitchen.
Ideally, throw out any junk food that may be lurking in your cupboards and fridge to reduce temptations.
Next, make a list of the healthy foods you will need to go buy for this week`s menu.
The menu plans are all setup for you in your P90X nutrition guide.
I strongly recommend you follow the menu as close as possible in order to get used to what the P90X is like.
Don`t worry, you won`t starve.
There are plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied and will eat away at your fat.
The best way I have found to get the most out of your P90X program is to do the workout in the morning.
Get up bright and early and head on over to your workout immediately with a large bottle of water.
Don`t even think about it, just do it.
If you wait till later on in the day, you will find all types of excuses for not working out...
at least that`s what happens to me.
If you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to reshaping your body and getting ripped in 90 days total.
First of all, set up the area where you will be working out.
You will need an area at least six feet wide, preferably 8 or 10 feet wide with a dvd player and a television.
You will also need a few pieces of basic equipment.
Hand weights (dumbbells) in at least three increasing weights would be perfect.
For example, I have a set of 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 pound weights.
Also, you will need resistance bands for exercise.
I use mine instead of the pull up bars however, if you have a door frame that you can hang it off of, you may want to consider the pull up bar.
Since I do not, I got my husband to hand a heavy duty hook that I hang my resistance bands off of.
Make sure it is super solid because it will take a beating.
A yoga mat is the only other piece of equipment you will need to do the P90X workouts.
Next, you will want to set up your kitchen.
Ideally, throw out any junk food that may be lurking in your cupboards and fridge to reduce temptations.
Next, make a list of the healthy foods you will need to go buy for this week`s menu.
The menu plans are all setup for you in your P90X nutrition guide.
I strongly recommend you follow the menu as close as possible in order to get used to what the P90X is like.
Don`t worry, you won`t starve.
There are plenty of delicious foods that will keep you satisfied and will eat away at your fat.
The best way I have found to get the most out of your P90X program is to do the workout in the morning.
Get up bright and early and head on over to your workout immediately with a large bottle of water.
Don`t even think about it, just do it.
If you wait till later on in the day, you will find all types of excuses for not working out...
at least that`s what happens to me.