Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Double Your Dating Review - If You Don"t Read it You"ll End Up on Jersey Shore

I know the title don't make any sense, and the reason I wrote it because it was just in my mind.
I did watch a little bit of the show just yesterday, and I was thinking to myself who would watch that show.
Apparently a lot...
Anyway personally I think it is shows like these that screw up most men's perspective on dating and attracting women.
The idea that you have to have big muscle, with 50 lb of hair gel in your hair, and party every day to get hot girls.
Because it is not true, and this is exactly why you should read Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo.
I read it a while back and it changed my life DRAMATICALLY.
Because I used to think that you have to be rich, or somewhat good looking to date hot girls, but I was wrong.
Honestly it is a great book, and I would highly recommend it.
And it's obviously not a scam, I know there is a lot of people who would use that to get your attention, because you probably cannot believe the results you'll get after reading the book.
Yeah, that's what I thought when I first came across all those promise to become a men who is irresistible to women, and become fearless when approaching the girl you like.
It's all true, but of course you have to take baby steps, you're not going to become Don Juan over night, it takes time and practice.
I really don't need to say too much about David, after all he is the pioneer of men dating industry with his book Double Your Dating...
Oh before I forget he also started the whole Cocky & Funny thing, I'm sure you heard of it.
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