For this workout all you will need is 2 things.
You guessed it, a kettlebell and a running track.
This particular workout is designed specifically to boost your body's metabolic rate to burn the unwanted fat right off of your waistline and the rest of your body too.
Check out how this 2-Part fat-burning workout is done.
Part 1: The Kettlebell Farmer's Walk: For this drill you will need 2 sets of kettlebells (4 total) equalling the same weight.
Make sure they are of moderate resistance.
To start the first part of this workout you will need to place one set of the kettlebells at the beginning of the first turn of the quarter mile track.
Place the second set at the beginning of the third turn of the track.
Now all you have to do is start at the first set of kettlebells.
Squat to pick of the first set of bells (holding one in each hand) and walk around the first complete turn of the quarter mile track.
Once at the end of the first and second turn or bend simply place the bells on the ground and jog to the next, or third, bend of the track where the second set of bells is waiting.
Once you get to the second set of bells squat down and pick these up and do the same thing.
Jog to the end to where you first started to complete the full lap.
Attempt 2 full laps of these and when finished recover for 3 to 4 minutes and move on to the second part.
Part 2: The Double-Arm Swing And Sprint: For this kettlebell exercise there will be a little more running involved.
You will want to mark off a distance of about 50 yards.
Place a single kettlebell at the beginning of the marker.
Perform a series of 50 double-arm swings.
This is a combination lift of both spectacular strength and conditioning.
Once you complete the swings simply set the bell down and sprint the 50 yards.
Once you finish the sprint give yourself about a 2 minute 30 second rest and line up to repeat the process 3 more times! You will start to get a ripped body in no time if you practice this workout on a regular basis!
You guessed it, a kettlebell and a running track.
This particular workout is designed specifically to boost your body's metabolic rate to burn the unwanted fat right off of your waistline and the rest of your body too.
Check out how this 2-Part fat-burning workout is done.
Part 1: The Kettlebell Farmer's Walk: For this drill you will need 2 sets of kettlebells (4 total) equalling the same weight.
Make sure they are of moderate resistance.
To start the first part of this workout you will need to place one set of the kettlebells at the beginning of the first turn of the quarter mile track.
Place the second set at the beginning of the third turn of the track.
Now all you have to do is start at the first set of kettlebells.
Squat to pick of the first set of bells (holding one in each hand) and walk around the first complete turn of the quarter mile track.
Once at the end of the first and second turn or bend simply place the bells on the ground and jog to the next, or third, bend of the track where the second set of bells is waiting.
Once you get to the second set of bells squat down and pick these up and do the same thing.
Jog to the end to where you first started to complete the full lap.
Attempt 2 full laps of these and when finished recover for 3 to 4 minutes and move on to the second part.
Part 2: The Double-Arm Swing And Sprint: For this kettlebell exercise there will be a little more running involved.
You will want to mark off a distance of about 50 yards.
Place a single kettlebell at the beginning of the marker.
Perform a series of 50 double-arm swings.
This is a combination lift of both spectacular strength and conditioning.
Once you complete the swings simply set the bell down and sprint the 50 yards.
Once you finish the sprint give yourself about a 2 minute 30 second rest and line up to repeat the process 3 more times! You will start to get a ripped body in no time if you practice this workout on a regular basis!