Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Effective and Proven Ways to Get Rid of Pregnancy Fat

Pregnancy brings in many joys and along with it brings weight gain for many women.
It is normal for a pregnant woman to gain about 25-30 pounds during pregnancy.
That is the average weight put on by most.
It could be more or less depending on the weight of the person before pregnancy.
All the weight gained does not go only on the baby.
The placenta, breast tissue, amniotic fluid, fat and uterus also contribute to the gain.
The pregnancy fat should be due to healthy eating so that the baby gets all the nutrients from the mother's intake of food.
It is not necessary to eat double or to eat for two people.
Only few hundred additional calories are required.
While breastfeeding, a lot of calories are consumed, so the mother needs to eat appropriate food.
But as the breast feeding decreases, accordingly the diet should be adjusted; else one can put on a lot of weight.
The first couple of months can be very exhausting for the new mother.
They feel fatigue and tiredness looking after the baby.
They suffer from sleep deprivation.
Even those who have had a Cesarean section have to take care.
Initially heavy exercises should be avoided.
One should not skip meals or attempt to diet.
During breastfeeding, proper diet is essential for the mother and the baby.
Even during pregnancy, if one takes care of few things, it will help after pregnancy.
One should not try to lose weight during pregnancy.
Instead of heavy meals, one should eat small meals frequently.
Eat healthy snacks not snacks loaded with calories only.
Avoid junk food and fizz drinks.
Go for walks and light exercises which are permitted by your doctor.
After delivery, breast feeding consumes a lot of calories.
Many women lose weight during breast feeding.
Production of milk uses up the fat and helps burn the calories.
Go for walks regularly, start slowly then increase the distance little by little every day.
Do not eat junk food and avoid coffee, tea and heavy food.
Do light exercises like abdominal exercises to get rid of the belly fat.
Practice kegel exercises also, it is very simple to do and can be done anywhere.
These are done for strengthening the pelvic muscles.
The muscles which are used to control urine, should be squeezed and held for some time, then released.
Repeat again few times.
Certain pelvic floor exercises can be done with consultation.
There are many CD/DVDs available in the market showing safe exercises to be done to get your pre pregnancy shape back.
There are many asanas is yoga which are specially done during and after pregnancy.
Practice this to help lose fat.
Eat a well balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals and do not keep unhealthy junk food or snacks in the house.
What you don't see, you will not eat.
Drink plenty of water to avoid constipation and try to increase your metabolism to boost the burning of calories.
Go slow with the fat loss and do not try to go on fad diets.
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