Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Buying Carpet - Can You Trust Your Retailers" Advice?

What is your desired outcome when buying a carpet? I can tell you: it's good advice; good quality; good service and good value.
You will not want to pay over the odds for it - no one does.
The thing is, if you don't know at the outset what it is you are looking for, then you are likely to be sold something that a retailer thinks is right for you.
Then your carpet may not look right in your home, cost you too much or it's not fit for purpose.
Good Advice Aim to learn as much as you can about your new carpet from as many trade experts as possible.
Read as much as you can from specialist books, magazines or the internet.
Shop around locally and listen to the information offered by the retail salesperson.
Good Quality We all have budgets to keep to and this will always control what quality we can afford.
But never be tempted to scrimp on a carpet or floor covering quality.
You, your family, friends and visitors are all going to walk over your carpet - many times! Aim to get the best quality for the least amount of money.
Good Value The most important aspect of your carpet buying mission is to get good value.
That is, the best quality at the best price with the best service.
A tall order? Not if you go about it in the right way.
So how do you go about meeting these three important aspects of a carpet purchase? The secret is to plan ahead and get organised.
Start by writing a small list of needs and wants.
Note what it is that you actually desire, then move towards it.
(1) Think first about the things you need to ask yourself when shopping for your carpet.
(2) Then think about the questions you need to ask your retail salesperson, or advisor, to make sure you gather all the relevant information to make a considered decision.
Here are a few examples: • What is my colour theme? • What carpet fibre suits my situation? • What style am I looking for to set a mood or atmosphere? • Which carpet brand inspires confidence? • What guarantees are there for the product? • How am I going to pay for it? Get it right and you will buy the right quality carpet for your needs, avoid disappointment and secure the best value possible.
Combine your own research with the retailer's advice to achieve quality, service, value, security and satisfaction.
Simple, effective and rewarding.
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