Health & Medical Body building

Gaining of Muscle

If you have been working out for a while, you should understand what I am talking about.
It happens that sometimes after doing some really heavy sets of your routine, you start to have this really amazing feeling.
Your muscles feels tight and inflated with blood.
When looking in the mirror, they also look fuller and more vascular.
What you are getting here is nothing more than what are referred to as a 'pump'.
And as I have told you that if you ever had one, you would agree with me that is a really great feeling.
So what exactly is a 'pump'? Well, it is nothing more than that tight, blood congested feeling in a muscle after being extremely trained.
It is the feeling you experience as blood gets trapped inside the muscle.
You don't have to go to a gym and perform all that effort just to get the feeling.
And getting this pump feeling also is no indication that you will achieve the gaining of muscle.
Also don't worry if you do achieve a pump during working out as it is not a bad thing.
It is nothing more than the natural result of intense weight training.
All it is, is basically blood running through your veins.
But if you go to the gym to get that feeling rather than focusing on the gaining of muscle.
If you think that is the way to go about the gaining of muscle, I can tell you that you are wasting your time and money apart from the big fact of being wrong.
Maybe you've heard them (maybe you are even on of those guys) who tells you 'my friend", this will give you an amazing "pump" and maybe you'll achieve your pump but once again you have to remember that if you want your muscles to look like stone, this is not the best way to achieve the gaining of muscle you might want.
A pump does not help in the gaining of muscle.
If it did, then it would also mean the same as saying that by doing light weight, ultra high repetition programs would be the best way to grow.
This is the way it should be when working on the gaining of muscle: if you keep record of the weight your lifting and increase it week after week, adding some extra reps as well, you will be well on your way to gaining of muscle most people only ever dream about.
You do not even need to achieve a pump.
Blood pumping to your muscle tissue is not the goal when it comes to gaining of muscle.
I hope this article has helped clear out any confusions you might have had about muscle pump.
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