Health & Medical Women's Health

Exercise, Lactic Acid And The Importance Of Breathing For Fast Weight Loss

The best plan for weight loss is one that focuses on your overall goal.   You can lose excess pounds with a combination approach; that is one that successfully combines a healthy diet and a top weight loss supplement.  By adding a regular exercise program to the mix you will achieve much more than simple weight loss.

It turns a diet into a lifestyle with food choices to reduce weight, a routine to tone and firm muscle adding the best diet supplement allows you to increase your overall health and get some extra muscle tone, fat and overall weight  loss.

It is not unusual for breathing to become labored during periods of intense exercise.   It's a common part of cardio exercise and we expect to be breathing heavily or even gasping for breath at the end of our morning run.

Our lungs are automated wonders, expelling a used breath and expanding to inhale as needed.   Respiratory muscles in the chest also expand and contract to adjust to the changing size of our expanding and contracting lungs and these same muscle groups also control posture.

Breathing is a two part process.  Respiration brings oxygen into the lungs while circulation disperses the oxygen throughout the body to where it is needed.  Circulation of the oxygen is possible due to the respiratory muscles such as the diaphragm, the abdominals, and the intercostal muscles.  The oxygen we inhale doesn't provide energy but unlocks energy stores in food we've eaten. It basically helps fuel the process by which units of biological energy (ATP) are released from caloric stores (carbs, proteins, lipids)

Alveoli in the lungs allow oxygen to be taken up by the body and only oxygen which reaches the alveoli is utilized when we breathe.  Only oxygen that reaches the alveoli can be utilized by our body.  This is demonstrated by the physical response of someone who is taking very shallow, rapid breaths during a panic attack.   The person may black out from lack of oxygen.   The persons is feeling the lack of oxygen but the lack is caused by shallow breathing where oxygen is not reaching the alveoli of the lungs.

This is why adequate respiration and ventilation - deep breathing are very important. Your lungs a have a certain amount of volume – called "dead space" that is not involved in gas transfer. Instead these areas are primarily conduits; larger pipes that transport gasses to the alveoli. Because a small part of each breath is used to move gas through these conduits(bronchi) rapid shallow breathing will decrease the volume of gas brought to the alveoli. Fortunately Oxygen transport is a relatively quick process. It is CO2 transport from the blood (carried as lactic acid) that takes longer and is thus – more sensitive to decreased ventilation and gas exchange duration. Even without lactic acid build up, simply hypoventilating will lead to a build up of CO2 and actually have the same effect of increasing lactic acids in your body from sustained muscle work!! (cardio, weight etc)

Yes breathing, and more importantly – how we breathe is very important. The concentration of oxygen in your body is a balance of the supply of oxygen to the alveoli for circulation and the amount of oxygen your body is demanding.  When you are at rest, the balance is easily maintained but when you exercise your body demands more oxygen which requires more breaths per minute to supply sufficient levels of oxygen to the lungs.  During exercise, deeper breaths turn into faster breaths and eventually the exertion will leave you gasping for oxygen as your body expends more oxygen than it is able to take in.

Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) produced in our bodies and is also referred to as milk acid.  If you feel the burn during an exercise, you can thank lactic acid for that.

Exercise causes sugar to be broken down producing energy for the muscles.  This breakdown of sugar yields carbon dioxide and water in the end if you are getting all the oxygen you need.

Strenuous exercise may cause a deficit in oxygen and result in lactic acid being produced and accumulating in your muscles.  Through a complex chemical process, lactic acid builds up in muscles during vigorous exercise.  Muscles may contract more efficiently when lactic acid is present and this is why athletes like to feel the burn during exercise.   To them, it signifies their muscle is being worked to capacity.

When lactic acid buildup makes your muscle begin to hurt, you breathe faster and usually slow down to allow your body to catch up with the oxygen it craves.   As the depleted oxygen is restored (returning to normal breathing), the lactic acid converts to carbon dioxide and water that are expelled as you breathe.

It is lactic acid buildup during intense exercise that provides need for allowing muscle groups to rest and recover on alternate days.   Your muscles may be sore the day after you exercise and this is due to lactic acid buildup.   Resting for a day or two allows the lactic acid to dissipate and the muscle to recover.
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