- The specific dosage of injected medication depends on the individual patients needs. There are distinct stages of cellulite: Stage 0, where the skin is pinched (which indicates that cellulite is beginning to form) but there is no cellulite visible. Stage 1 where cellulite is visible when the skin is pinched; Stage 2, where cellulite can be seen when you are standing and Stage 3, when cellulite is visible all the time. Four medications are used as the drug therapy: aminophylline, phosphatidylcholine, hyaluronidase and L-carnitine. The drugs are used in differing combinations to achieve the desired results. Generally, the injection of the medication is painless and between 10 and 15 sessions are required to remove cellulite in a specific area.
- Only a qualified mesosurgeon should administer mesotherapy to minimize the risks and dangers of the treatment. Potential risks include burning, swelling, soreness, skin discoloration and possible infection. The burning sensation generally fades after 15 to 20 minutes, while the swelling and soreness can linger for several days after each treatment.
- Generally, when combined with a healthy diet and a moderate exercise program, mesotherapy is very successful at eliminating cellulite. The treatments are most successful when done on a weekly basis until cellulite is removed but an alternate schedule can be arranged if necessary. However, additional treatments may be required in order to maintain the effects. Costs vary depending upon the region, but on average it ranges between $300 to $800 a session.
How it Works
Results and Costs