Whats the point of reusable bags if you have to replace them? When my reusable grocery store bags gave out, I went looking for bags that would last longer and, I admit, I was hoping to find something that looked a little better, too. Really, who likes carrying around those cheesy looking, paper bag style bags with narrow handles that hurt your hands? Sure you feel responsible and like youre doing a good thing because youre not contributing to the local landfill, but you sure dont feel like those bags are making you look good otherwise.
Well, folks, we now have a choice. What I found is a great new product from Ecozuri that looks like a designer bag and comes with a treasure chest of bonuses. Not only do my new reusable shopping bags garner compliments and inquiries because they look so good, I get to shock people by telling them theyre made from recycled plastic. Yes, I really have told people that. These bags are strong (holding up to 50 pounds each), theyre machine washable, they fold up and tuck away into next to nothing, they have an eye-pleasing built in reminder system so I dont forget them, and the company that makes them gives 10% of its profits back to underprivileged kids in rural Africa, helping them get a quality education that they would otherwise have to do without. Thats all great, but theres even more. If youre cost conscious like me, I looked at the price first. The 3-in-1 set, including the free reminder kit, was only $19.95. I did the comparisons, and found similar products for a similar price but no nifty reminder kit and no contributions toward childrens charities. Ill be giving these terrific little best buys out as gifts for birthdays, holidays, and graduations this year.
Well, folks, we now have a choice. What I found is a great new product from Ecozuri that looks like a designer bag and comes with a treasure chest of bonuses. Not only do my new reusable shopping bags garner compliments and inquiries because they look so good, I get to shock people by telling them theyre made from recycled plastic. Yes, I really have told people that. These bags are strong (holding up to 50 pounds each), theyre machine washable, they fold up and tuck away into next to nothing, they have an eye-pleasing built in reminder system so I dont forget them, and the company that makes them gives 10% of its profits back to underprivileged kids in rural Africa, helping them get a quality education that they would otherwise have to do without. Thats all great, but theres even more. If youre cost conscious like me, I looked at the price first. The 3-in-1 set, including the free reminder kit, was only $19.95. I did the comparisons, and found similar products for a similar price but no nifty reminder kit and no contributions toward childrens charities. Ill be giving these terrific little best buys out as gifts for birthdays, holidays, and graduations this year.