Home & Garden Pest Control

The Importance Of Bird Control

Dr. Frank Jones, the Associate Director of Extension, Centre of Excellence for Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas, calls effectively controlling wild birds, an art, and not science. The reason for this is because, according to Jones, there is no "one size fits all" method. In other words, what works for one, may not be effective for others.

One thing is certain, however: Wild birds must be properly controlled. Wild birds pose many risks to humans, not the least of which are the diseases they may transmit.

Among the various illnesses that may be contracted by wild birds are histoplasmosis, also known as "Darling's disease." This illness is caused by a fungus and is endemic to areas in the United States, such as the Ohio River valley and the lower regions near the Mississippi River. According to an article in the Sherris Medical Microbiology's 4th edition, up to 90% of people living in these regions may present positive skin tests for histoplasmosis.

Other illnesses that can be transmitted by wild birds are cryptococcal disease, another potentially fatal fungal disease, and psittacosis, also known as parrot disease, a potentially fatal bacterium which can be transmitted by pigeons, sparrows, ducks, hens and gulls, in addition to a variety of other species.

If you are experiencing a bird pest problem, it is important to take action quickly and effectively in order to prevent the health risks associated with birds.

Depending on your type of bird problem, you may need one or more of the products available at Birdbarrier.com. Some of the products, such as the StealthNet, can be very effective at deterring pigeons and sparrows. Birds like Starlings, which often flock in numbers reaching the thousands, need to be first dispersed with audio-scare tools, such as the Bird Gard Pro.

Whatever your bird problem, there is a product available to help you solve it. www.birdbarrier.com is an important resource for those facing bird control issues.
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