Home & Garden Home Appliances

8 SHOCKING Tips For Smart Electricians (And Clever DIY Guys, Too)

You gotta get your work done on time, but a dead man pulls no pay.
  Make sure you follow these 8 tips and you'll avoid careless mistakes that can happen while taking electrical measurements: NEVER work on a live circuit.
De-energize whenever you can.
  If you must work on a live circuit, be sure to wear insulated gloves, take off any metallic jewelry like watches, stand on something insulated like a rubber mat, and wear your flame-resistant clothes.
Don't be cheap and swap the original fuse with a substandard replacement.
Today's Fluke digital multimeters have a special sand fuse that will break before a surge hits your hand.
  Make sure you replace them with authorized fuses.
  And please, for the love of God, don't be lazy and fix a broken fuse with a piece of wire or some little metal scrap.
  If you're a good electrician, your career (and life) is worth far more than the time you'll save with this dangerous slopjob.
  You'll do well to have extra fuses on hand to avoid the danger of an unstoppable overload.
  If you're going to invest in a good DMM like a Fluke, you can easily afford the fuses.
  Just stash them in your glovebox or something like that.
Don't forget that your safety glasses in your pocket.
They don't look silly like old fashioned goggles, so your eyes will thank you with years of good work if you protect them.
  It's also good to have them on with your flame-resistant clothes and insulated gloves.
Keep one hand off the test.
This is crucial when you're working on a live circuit.
  Use the old saying and keep one hand in your pocket.
  You'd be more likely to close the circuit across your chest and fry your heart if you're touching it with both hands, so place the meter if you can (or even hang it carefully).
  Don't hold the meter in your hands to minimize exposure.
Pay attention to your leads.
This is important for DMM safety.
  Your digital multimeter's leads should match the CAT-level of your job.
  Go for double insulated leads, finger guards, shrouded leads and an easy to grip, non-slip surface.
Use the right tool for the job.
Like we said before, it's critical to match your CAT level to the job at hand.
  If that means using multiple meters, so be it.
  Just make sure you get good ones .
Don't buy the cheapest DMM on the rack.
Your digital multimeter is an important part of your career, and you need to make sure you get one that has the safety features you need.
  Grab DMMs with independent testing (Flukes are among the best in this regard).
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