Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

The Best and Healthiest Foods to Eat to Have a Baby Girl

You have this picture in your mind of giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.
You want to be able to make this come true.
You don't want to have to rely on nature to decide the gender of your child.
You want to have a baby girl and you deserve to make this wish come true.
Picking the gender of your baby can be done in a simple and natural way.
For example, the foods that you eat can have a significant influence on the gender of your baby.
If you want to have a baby girl, then you need to create a diet that is strictly acidic.
You need to eat foods that are acidic so you create an environment for a baby girl to develop in.
Sometimes it is hard to tell what is acidic and what is alkaline so here is a short list of what you should include in your diet.
Make sure that you eat foods such as blueberries, cranberries, dried fruits, red meat, fish and other acidic foods so you can get the gender that you want.
By changing your diet in any other way other than eating acidic foods, you run the chance of having a baby boy.
You need to stick to acidic foods or you won't get the results.
Try to make sure you eat the healthiest foods as well so not only will you conceive a girl but you will also ensure that she grows up to be plenty healthy and strong.
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