Health & Medical Lose Weight

Top 5 Snacks That Help You Feel Full And Lose Calories Fast

1) Salad - As we all know, salad is a pre-meal snack that contains lots of vitamins, minerals and bulky fiber, which is great for making you feel full without gaining calories.
According to a study found in the British Journal of Nutrition, dieters who ate high amounts of folate found in dark, green leafy vegetables, managed to lose up to 8.
5 times more weight than those who ate a little folate.
The reason is because folate helps maintain your blood insulin levels, so that your body burn fats instead of storing them.
Thus, do remember to eat more greens! 2) Yogurt - Besides the protein, vitamins and nutrients you can get from eating yogurt, research from the Harvard School of Public Health has proved that eating yogurt helps you to feel fuller and thus, slim down.
Also, yogurts are made from active, good bacteria known as probiotics, which helps with digestion and reduce excess gas and bloating, leading to a flatter tummy.
There are definitely much more benefits of eating yogurt - just ask any yogurt lover, and they will be sure to agree! 3) Avocados - A good source of monounsaturated or 'good' fats, avocados can help you to lose calories fast, as they help to regulate blood sugar level and reduces hunger pangs, by triggering the release of a hormone in your gut that slows down digestion.
Monounsaturated fats can also help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce body fat, especially around the stomach.
So next time, do help yourself to a snack of seafood-stuffed avocado or sliced avocado on wholegrain toast to curb your afternoon hunger.
4) Fruits - Undoubtedly, fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes them a good snack to curb your hunger pangs.
They are easily carried around and provides just enough carbohydrates with a healthy amount of fiber.
Also, according to a Brazilian research study in 2003, eating three apples a day can help to reduce one's weight.
Fruits can also be combined with vegetables to create a salad, or mixed with walnuts and maple syrup for a tasty snack.
5) Nuts - Besides antioxidants, nuts are full of proteins and fiber, which can help you feel fuller and stave off your hunger pangs.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in nuts, and these fatty acids help improve your brain's performance, decrease blood cholesterol and pressure, and definitely help to maintain your weight! Another great advantage about nuts is that they are often conveniently packed, and can be easily carried around for consumption anytime of the day.
There are also a large variety of nuts available in the market, eg.
Walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, just remember to buy unsalted ones.
In my opinion, trying to lose weight does not mean that you have to starve or eat lesser.
Besides being highly nutritious, the five types of snacks mentioned can help you to lose calories fast too! Try them today and you will surely like at least one of them.
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